Wetzel County Schools will be accepting sealed bids for removal, repair and replacement and striping of black polyurethane 300 meter track, spur, long jump and high jump areas located at New Martinsville School, 20 East Benjamin Drive, New Martinsville, WV 26155. Specification and information packets are available by contacting Brian Jones at:
(304) 455-2441 Ex. 111. There will be a mandatory Pre-Bid meeting on Thursday, July 9th, 2:00 pm @ New Martinsville School, 20 East Benjamin Drive, New Martinsville, West Virginia 26155.
The bids will be opened and read on Thursday, July 23rd, no later than 11:00 am (EDST).
Prevailing wage is not a requirement on jobs under $500,000.00.
After the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids, no bid may be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days.
The Wetzel County Board of Education reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids, to award the contract to other than the low bidder, to accept any or all alternates, to waive irregularities and/or formalities, and in general to make the award in any manner deemed by it, in its sole discretion to be in the best interest of the Wetzel County Schools.
Jay Yeager,
Board of Education of Wetzel County
Int. June 26, 2015
Int. July 3, 2015
N.R. June 26, 2015
N.R. July 3, 2015