
Public Notice

NOTICE to creditors and claimants is hereby given by Shangriloh, LLC, a West Virginia Limited Liability Company which has been doing business in and has its registered office in Ohio County, West Virginia, that it has wound up its affairs and filed Articles of Termination with the West Virginia Secretary of State in the manner prescribed by Chapter 31B, Article 8 of the West Virginia Uniform Limited Liability Company Act, as amended, in order to terminate its existence. All claims against the company must be made in writing, must state the amount and nature of the claim, and must be mailed to Andrew J. Harris, Esq., Herndon Morton, Herndon & Yaeger, 83 Edgington Lane, Wheeling, WV 26003. In accordance with Section 31B-8-808 of the West Virginia Code, claims against the company will be barred unless a proceeding to enforce the claim is commenced within five (5) years after publication of this Notice.
Int. July 2, 2015

