

PUBLIC NOTICE West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection Division of Water and Waste Management 601 57th Street SE Charleston, WV 25304 Telephone: (304) 926-0495 Public Notice No.: MM-5-15 Public Notice Date: July 19, 2015 GENERAL WV/NPDES WATER POLLUTION CONTROL PERMIT FOR SMALL DOMESTIC SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS IN WEST VIRGINIA The Division of Water and Waste Management is proposing to reissue a General WV/NPDES Water Pollution Control Permit to regulate discharges from domestic sewage disposal systems which have flows of 50,000 GPD or less, except those serving individual residences. The General Permit will authorize the installation, operation and maintenance of domestic sewage disposal systems, or parts thereof, and the direct or indirect discharge of treated wastewater to the waters of the state. It is proposed that this General Permit be issued for a five (5) year term. Described below are some important aspects of the General Permit Program. 1. Approximately 825 existing facilities are eligible for regulation under this general permit. 2. All eligible existing facilities will be required to complete the general permit registration procedures before receiving coverage under this permit, except for those facilities registered since January 1, 2015. These facilities will automatically be covered under the new general permit. The DWWM will establish a treatment category and a maximum daily flow prior to authorizing general permit coverage. The current general permit expires September 23, 2015. However, it will be extended through March 31, 2016 to provide continued coverage during the reissuance process. 3. Proposed facilities are also eligible for general permit coverage. However, a Bureau for Public Health approval of construction shall be obtained. Each proposed facility shall meet the public notice and public comment requirements prior to gaining coverage under the general permit. The DWWM shall establish a treatment category and a maximum daily flow prior to authorizing general permit coverage. Facilities proposing a new or expanded discharge (above current design flow) within the Chesapeake Bay drainage area must obtain an individual permit. This applies to discharges located in the following counties: Berkeley; Grant; Hampshire; Hardy; Jefferson; Mineral; Morgan and Pendleton. Also, part of eastern Preston and a small section of Tucker (north of Thomas) are included. 4. Those permittees holding existing individual WV/NPDES permits may continue to operate under their individual permit until its expiration date. At that time, coverage under the General Permit will be required. 5. The Director of the DWWM retains authority to require any owner/operator to apply for and obtain an individual permit. This authority will be exercised when the Director determines that such individual permit will better protect the receiving water. 6. Upon the expiration of their individual permit, permittees that own multiple treatment facilities (i.e. county school boards) permitted under an existing individual WV/NPDES permit shall be required to apply for coverage of each individual facility separately under the General Permit. The draft permit and fact sheet may be inspected by appointment between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday at the Department of Environmental Protection, Public Information Office, 601 57th Street SE, Charleston, WV 25304. Copies of the document may be obtained at a nominal cost. Any interested persons may submit written comments on the draft permit. Comments will be accepted until August 14, 2015. They should be addressed to: Department of Environmental Protection 601 57th Street SE Charleston, WV 25304 Attention: Mylinda Maddox (304) 926-0499, extension 1065 Fax: (304) 926-0463 E-mail: mylinda.a.maddox@ wv.gov All comments received within this period will be considered prior to acting on the Draft Permit. Correspondence should include the name, address, and telephone number of the writer and a concise statement of the nature of the issues being raised. The Director shall hold a public hearing whenever a finding is made, on the basis of requests, that there is a significant degree of public interest on issues relevant to the draft General Permit. Interested persons may contact Mylinda Maddox to obtain further information. 7-13-MON-1-RH; LG 317
