

PUBLIC NOTICE OF BLASTING OPERATIONS Notice is hereby given that Revelation Energy, LLC, 1051 Main Street Milton, WV 25526; Phone: (304) 390-5959, will be conducting blasting activities in accordance with all State and Federal laws as approved by the Department of Environmental Protection, Office of Explosives and Blasting Surface Mine Permit Number S-3001-05 situated in Plateau and Clear Fork Districts of Fayette and Raleigh Counties, approximately 2.1 miles NW of Pax, West Virginia more particularly referenced by longitude 81 f 17′ 59″ and Latitude 37 f 55′ 18″. Blasting activities will occur Monday through Saturday from “sunrise to sunset.” No blasting shall be conducted on Sunday. Blasting is to commence on February 7, 2015 and continue through February 6, 2016. Ten minutes prior to and immediately after each blast, all access to the specific area will be safeguarded from unauthorized entry. A pre-blast warning signal will be given three (3) minutes prior to each blast. The warning signal prior to each blast shall be from an air horn, audible to at least one-half mile from the blast and will consist of three (3) short blasts of five (5) seconds duration with five (5) seconds between each blast. The all clear signal shall be one (1) long blast from an air horn, of twenty (20) seconds duration, as approved by the Department of Environmental Protection, Office of Explosive and Blasting. Blasting shall be conducted in such a way so as to prevent injury to persons, damage to public or private property outside the permit area, adverse impacts on any underground mine, and change in the course channel, or availability of surface or groundwater outside the permit area. Blasting activities will not be conducted at times other than those announced in the blasting schedule except in the event of an emergency situation where rain, lightening, or other atmospheric conditions, or operator or public safety requires unscheduled detonations. 1-28-WED-1-RH L 2506
