REQUEST FOR BID The purpose of this bid is to establish a price basis upon which purchases, blanket-purchase agreement, blanket-service agreements or public works contracts can be issued for the listed items. The Fayette County Board of Education reserves the right to reject any/or all bids presented. TITLE: Fayette County Employee Drug Testing A. Pre-employment drug testing B . Reasonable suspicion C. DOT (CDL) Random drug testing D. Post-accident drug testing DUE DATE: February 12, 2014 by 4:00 p.m. SEND TO: Fayette County Board of Education 111 Fayette Avenue Fayetteville, WV 25840 CONTACT INFORMATION Bid packets regarding the drug testing bid specifications may be directed to: Aimee Shumate [email protected] (304) 574-1176, ext. 2141 Questions regarding bid procedure and bid proposals may be directed to: Gary Hough [email protected] (304) 574-1176, ext. 2152 2-9-MON-4-FT; LG 81