Notice is hereby given that the following described tracts or lots of land in the County of Greenbrier have been certified by the Auditor of the State of West Virginia to G. Russell Rollyson, Jr., Deputy Commissioner of Delinquent and Nonentered lands of said County, for sale at public auction. The lands will be offered for sale by the undersigned Deputy Commissioner at public auction in the Hall of Greenbrier County Courthouse beginning at 9:00 AM in the morning, on the 13th day of August 2015.
Each tract or lot as described below, will be sold to the highest bidder. The payment for any tract or lot purchased at a sale shall be made by check or money order payable to the sheriff of the county and delivered before the close of business on the day of the sale. If any of said tracts or lots remain unsold following the auction, they will be subject to sale by the Deputy Commissioner without additional advertising or public auction. The deputy commissioner sale may include tracts or lots remaining unsold from a previous auction not required by law to be readvertised and described for this subsequent auction of those same tracts and lots. All sales are subject to the approval of the Auditor of the State of West Virginia.
131914 2011 Garten G Thomas Et Al 30’ Access Road 1.35 Ac (C) Frankford
131915 2011 Boothe Dustin Lee Lot 116 Leslie S/D Gnr Fin Leslie WV Meadow Bluff
131917 2011 Fox John G Jr Et Ux Lt 22 Blk 11 Levelton Land & Improve Meadow Bluff Rainelle
CO 8th St 50×94 From Campbell
131918 2011 MDR Inc 2011 Milam Danny Lt 7 Blk 19 Levelton Land & Improve Co Meadow Bluff Rainelle
D & Dianne 5th St 50×94 Rainelle Fr Bryant (2011) Lt
2012 & 2013 7 Blk 19 Levelton Land & Improve Co
5th St 50×92 Rainelle From MDR Inc
131919 2011 Roberts Betty C Lots 2 & 2A And P/O Lot 3 (Con 3 Tracts) Meadow Bluff Rainelle
Highland Add Kanawha Turnpike
131920 2011 Collins Russell R Et Ux Lt 4 Poca Ave 50x70x50x80 Fort Spring Ronceverte
131921 2011 Johnson Mary Estate Lt 14 Hurxthal’s Add 39x100x40x95 Fort Spring Ronceverte
Front St
131922 2011 Johnson Mary L Estate Lt 36 Hurxthal’s Add 50×100 Prospect St Fort Spring Ronceverte
131923 2011 Johnson Mary L Estate Lt 38 Hurxthal’s Add 50×100 Prospect St Fort Spring Ronceverte
131924 2011 Johnson Mary L Estate Lt 40 Hurxthal’s Add 50×100 Prospect St Fort Spring Ronceverte 131925 2011 Johnson Mary L Estate Lt 28 Hurxthal’s Add 50×100 Fair St Fort Spring Ronceverte
131926 2011 Johnson Mary L Estate Lt 30 Hurxthal’s Add 111x130x93 Fair St Fort Spring Ronceverte
131927 2011 Johnson Mary L Estate Lot 16 Fort Spring Ronceverte
131928 2011 Landis Harold 40’ R/W From New River Poca Fort Spring Ronceverte Land/Deputy Land Comm
131929 2011 Utley Betty Route 60 & 11th St Rupert Meadow Bluff Rupert
30×117(S)x30x112(S) (3222 SF (B) From
131931 2011 Hedrick Teresa Carol Et Vir 1 A Thacker Comm 2011-12 1 Ac Williamsburg
Minerals Only Thacker Comm 2013
131933 2012 Aleshire Barbara Part Lot 11 or 5302.5 Sq Ft Fort Spring
131934 2012 Boggs Almeda 2000 Sq Ft Boggs Per Survivorship Frankford
131935 2012 Boggs Almeda 2970 Sq Ft Boggs Per Surviviorship Frankford
131936 2012 Burt Louise 2012-13 Gerger Vivian Ac .19 (C) (Lot 14 Less SF (B) Lot 14 Meadow Bluff
M Eichel 2014 Leslie S/D A St Rt 20 Leslie WV
131937 2012 Hendrix Marguerite A (Surv) Lot 84 & 85 (Cons 2 Tracts) Crichton S/D Meadow Bluff
Nancy Ave (From Nicley)
131938 2012 McClung Michael A Et Ux Acreage .11 (D) Fr Ripley Lot 79 Meadow Bluff
Riverside Addn McRoss
131939 2012 McClung Michael A Et Ux Acreage .15 (D) Fr Ripley Lot 78 Meadow Bluff
Riverside Addn McRoss
131941 2012 Redden Michael W 11,655 Sq Ft From Redden Meadow Bluff
& Wendy M
131942 2012 Taylor William F Et Ux Ac .33 (D) (Pt Lot 39 (Amick-B) US 60 Meadow Bluff
Riverside Addn McRoss
131943 2012 White Robert C Estate Lot 65 Leslie Subdiv A Leslie W Va Meadow Bluff
(White) 80x150x75x148
131944 2012 White Robert C Estate Lot 63 Leslie Subdiv A Leslie W Va Agee Meadow Bluff
131945 2012 Percoco Leo Et Ux Lot 29 (Surface) Quin Hts Fr Amer Meadow Bluff Quinwood
General 89.9×56.9×55.1×71.2
131946 2012 Fox John G Jr ET Ux Lt 1 Blk 11 Levelton Land & Improve Co Meadow Bluff Rainelle
Horton Ave 31.3×90 Campbell-
Lexington Land Co
131947 2011 Denali Improvements LLC Romeo Lt 9 Blk 10 Levelton Land & Improve 8th Meadow Bluff Rainelle
2011BT/2012 Land Investments St 50×94 Persinger From Denali &
Recovery Management 2013 Deputy Comm 2011 & 2012 Lt 9 Blk 10
2012 & 2014 Levelton Land & Improve 8th St 50×94
Persinger From Land Recovery Mgmt
131948 2012 McQuain Howard E Smith Pt Lt 6 Blk 21 Main St Rainell E 1×90 Meadow Bluff Rainelle
Et Ux 2012-13 Glenmore & Bennett
Sandi 2014
131950 2012 Nutter Norman Lt 24 Blk 12 Levelton Land & Improve Meadow Bluff Rainelle
Co 8th St 50×94 Rainelle
131951 2012 Nutter Norman Lt 22 Blk 12 Main St Rainelle 31.3×90 Meadow Bluff Rainelle
131952 2012 Nutter Norman Lt 23 Blk 12 Main St Rainelle 31.3×90 Meadow Bluff Rainelle
131954 2012 Stelzig Michael W Et Ux Lt 9 Blk 15 Levelton Land & Improve Co Meadow Bluff Rainelle
6th St 50×94 Rainelle Fr Callison
131955 2012 Hicks Patrick & J L Services Lt 40 Main St 50×100 From Lewis Fort Spring Ronceverte
Kristy 2012-13 LLC 2014
131956 2011 Wright Betty L Romeo Pt Lot 6 22×58 Monroe Ave Burton Fort Spring Ronceverte
2011BT/2012 Land Investments 2011BT/2012 Pt Lot 6 22×58 Monroe
Recovery 2013 Ave From Wright & Deputy Comm
Management 2012-2014
2012 & 2014
131957 2012 Landis Harold Et Ux 4760 Sq Ft Jackson Land Comm Fort Spring Ronceverte
131958 2012 Landis Harold Et Ux Part Lot 8 Paulin Land Comm Fort Spring Ronceverte
131959 2012 McDonald David Et Al Lots 29 30 Perrine Fort Spring Ronceverte
131960 2012 Dorsey Mildred Dorsey Pear Clark St & R R Rupert 124x230x193 Meadow Bluff Rupert
Estate 2012 Mildred (12068 Sq Ft (B)
Estate 2013-14
131961 2012 Kirkendall Debra & Ac.50 (D) From Hernandez Justice Mill White Sulphur White Sulphur
Kirkendall James 108x120x80x118
Any of the aforesaid tracts or lots may be redeemed by any person entitled to pay the taxes thereon at any time prior to the sale by payment to the Deputy Commissioner of the total amount of taxes, interest, and charges thereon up to the date of redemption. Lands listed above as escheated or waste and unappropriated lands may not be redeemed.
Given under my hands this 18th day of June 2015.
G. Russell Rollyson, Jr.
Deputy Commissioner of Delinquent and Nonentered
Lands for Tucker County