
Tariff Form No. 12

Tariff Form No. 12


Notice is hereby given that the WATER BOARD OF THE CITY OF BUCKHANNON (the “City”) on July 16, 2015, has enacted an ordinance containing increased rates and charges for furnishing water service to its 3,975 customers in Upshur County.


The proposed increased rates and charges will become effective on September 1, 2015, unless otherwise ordered by the Public Service Commission (the “Commission”) and will produce approximately $264,546 annual in additional revenue, an increase of 15{4ceb532c6f579389df471c6c1e832caf2346b74dc60fcbf6aabd4d29df3baf9c}.

The average monthly bill for the various classes of customers will be as changed as follows:

TYPE OF CUSTOMER INCREASE ($) INCREASE ({4ceb532c6f579389df471c6c1e832caf2346b74dc60fcbf6aabd4d29df3baf9c})
Residential ( 3,500 gallons) $ 3.04 18{4ceb532c6f579389df471c6c1e832caf2346b74dc60fcbf6aabd4d29df3baf9c}
Commercial (10,000 gallons) $ 8.56 18{4ceb532c6f579389df471c6c1e832caf2346b74dc60fcbf6aabd4d29df3baf9c}
Public Authority (14,000 gallons) $ 11.96 18{4ceb532c6f579389df471c6c1e832caf2346b74dc60fcbf6aabd4d29df3baf9c}
Resale (per 1,000 gal.) $ 0.14 10{4ceb532c6f579389df471c6c1e832caf2346b74dc60fcbf6aabd4d29df3baf9c}

Resale customers of the Water Board of the City of Buckhannon include Mount Hope PSD, Hodgesville PSD, Elkins Road PSD, and Adrian PSD.


The proposed increased rates and charges will become effective on November 1, 2016, unless otherwise ordered by the Commission and will produce approximately $290,329 annual in additional revenue, an increase of 15{4ceb532c6f579389df471c6c1e832caf2346b74dc60fcbf6aabd4d29df3baf9c}.

The average monthly bill for the various classes of customers will be as changed as follows:

TYPE OF CUSTOMER INCREASE ($) INCREASE ({4ceb532c6f579389df471c6c1e832caf2346b74dc60fcbf6aabd4d29df3baf9c})
Residential ( 3,500 gallons) $ 2.93 15{4ceb532c6f579389df471c6c1e832caf2346b74dc60fcbf6aabd4d29df3baf9c}
Commercial (10,000 gallons) $ 8.26 15{4ceb532c6f579389df471c6c1e832caf2346b74dc60fcbf6aabd4d29df3baf9c}
Public Authority (14,000 gallons) $ 11.54 15{4ceb532c6f579389df471c6c1e832caf2346b74dc60fcbf6aabd4d29df3baf9c}
Resale (per 1,000 gal.) $ 0.23 15{4ceb532c6f579389df471c6c1e832caf2346b74dc60fcbf6aabd4d29df3baf9c}

Resale customers of the Water Board of the City of Buckhannon include Mount Hope PSD, Hodgesville PSD, Elkins Road PSD, and Adrian PSD.

Delayed Payment Penalty: *See note below.
Tap/service connection fee:
**3/4” = $750.00 (new)
1” = $1,000.00 (new)
Larger than 1” = at actual installation cost. Tap fees for fire service protection shall be the Board’s actual cost of materials and labor to bring the
connection to the customer’s property line as set forth in the WV PSC’s rules and regs. (new)

Disconnection/Reconnection service charge: $50.00 per occurrence will be charged whenever the water is turned off for violations of rules, non-payment of bills or at the request of the customer for maintenance on the customer’s side of the meter.

Returned Check Charge: ***See note below.
Leak adjustment: ****$0.29/1,000 gallons
Security Deposit: Not to exceed two-twelfths (2/12) of the annual estimated charge for residential service, or one-sixth (1/6) of annual estimated charge for commercial service, or $50.00 whichever is greater.

Private hydrant/fire protection fee: $10.00 per month per hydrant and $10.00 per fire service connection 4” or less. The monthly rate for each fire service connection greater than 4” is $20.00.

Meter & associated components damaged by customer (includes radio read components): At actual repair & installation cost. (new)

Re-reading of meter at customer request: $25.00 (new)
Note: Any customer may request the Water Board to re-read the customer’s water meter if the customer believes the meter reading was inaccurate. Any customer may request a meter re-reading once every 12 months at no charge to the customer. If any customer requests additional re-readings within any 12 month period, and the re-reading or re-readings substantiate that the initial reading was accurate, the customer then shall be charged $25.00 for each additional re-reading. The customer shall not be charged if the initial reading is determined to have been inaccurate by more than five percent (5{4ceb532c6f579389df471c6c1e832caf2346b74dc60fcbf6aabd4d29df3baf9c}).

Meter test: $75.00 (new)
Note: Any customer may request the Water Board to test the customer’s water meter to determine the meter’s accuracy. The customer shall pay $75.00 for the meter test in advance of the test. In accordance with Rule 6.5 of the PSC’s Water Rules, if upon testing, the meter is determined to be more than two percent (2{4ceb532c6f579389df471c6c1e832caf2346b74dc60fcbf6aabd4d29df3baf9c}) average in error, the meter test fee shall be promptly refunded to the customer. If the meter is not found to be more than two percent (2{4ceb532c6f579389df471c6c1e832caf2346b74dc60fcbf6aabd4d29df3baf9c}) in error, the City shall retain the meter test fee advanced by the customer for the test.

Meter reinstallation: $100.00 (new)
Note: In any event when a water meter is removed by the Water Board to prevent a customer from unlawfully obtaining water following a customer’s service being disconnected by the Water Board for customer non-payment, the customer shall pay a water reinstallation fee of $100.00 before the meter is reinstalled and water service is reinstated. This fee shall be in addition to any other reconnection fees.

*Delayed Payment Penalty – The above schedule is net. On all accounts not paid in full when due, ten percent (10{4ceb532c6f579389df471c6c1e832caf2346b74dc60fcbf6aabd4d29df3baf9c}) will be added to the net current amount unpaid. This delayed payment penalty is not interest and is to be collected only once for each bill where it is appropriate.
**Tap/service connection fee – This tap fee will be charged to all customers who apply for service outside of a certificate proceeding before the PSC for each new tap to the service.
***Returned check charge – A service charge equal to the actual bank fee assessed but not to exceed $25.00 will be imposed upon any customer whose check for payment of charges is returned by the customer’s bank due to insufficient funds.
****Leak adjustment – This amount shall be used when a bill reflects unusual consumption which can be attributed to eligible leakage on the customer’s side of the meter. This rate shall be applied to all such consumption above the customer’s historical usage.

The increases shown are based on averages of all customers in the indicated class. Individual customers may receive increases that are greater or less than average. Furthermore, the requested rates and charges are only a proposal and are subject to change (increases or decreases) by the Commission in its review of this filing. The Commission shall review and approve or modify the increased rates only upon the filing of a petition within thirty (30) days of the adoption of the ordinance changing said rates and charges by:

(1) Any customer aggrieved by the changed rates or charges who presents to the Commission a petition signed by not less than 25{4ceb532c6f579389df471c6c1e832caf2346b74dc60fcbf6aabd4d29df3baf9c} of the customers served by the City’s water system; or

(2) Any customer who is served by the City’s water system and who resides outside the corporate limits and who is affected by the change in said rates or charges and who presents to the
Commission a petition alleging discrimination between customers within and without the City’s boundaries. Said petition shall be
accompanied by evidence of discrimination; or

(3) Any customer or group of customers who are affected by said change in rates who reside within the City’s boundaries and who present a petition to the Commission alleging discrimination between said customer or group of customers and other
customers of the City’s water system. Said petition shall be ac companied by evidence of discrimination.

All petitions should be addressed to the Executive Secretary, Public Service Commission of West Virginia, 201 Brooks Street, P.O. Box 812, Charleston, West Virginia 25323.

A complete copy of the proposed rates, as well as a representative of the utility to provide any information requested concerning it, is available to all customers, prospective customers, or their agents at the City Hall at 70 East Main Street, Buckhannon, West Virginia 26201.

A copy of the proposed rates is available for public inspection at the Office of the Executive Secretary of the Public Service Commission at 201 Brooks Street, Charleston, West Virginia.

By: Amberle Jenkins
Assistant City Recorder
7/24, 7/31
