
TO: The people of West Virginia Please be advised that from and after 31 January 2020 that H. John “Herbie” Rogers, J.D., M.Div., M.A. (Sacred Theology), Licensed Christian Psychoanalyst (B.R.A.N NO. 2360-5959) when he officially begins his “Favorite Son”
Candidacy for president of the United States will
carry a sheathed, G.I. surplus machete. It is his considered opinion that this is protected activity under the 2nd amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Persons holding contrary opinions should convey them forth with the chief justice, circuit court of West Virginia, courthouse, New Martinsville, W.VA. 26155 and/or chief justice, W.VA. supreme court, Capitol Building,
Charleston, W.VA. 25305. The secretary of our state, Lt. Colonel “Little Mac” Warner, is asked to
convey a copy of this
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persons also filing (but not for those refiling) for this office as “grandfathered” in.

TO: The people of West Virginia Please be advised that from and after 31 January 2020 that H. John “Herbie” Rogers, J.D., M.Div., M.A. (Sacred Theology), Licensed Christian Psychoanalyst (B.R.A.N NO. 2360-5959) when he officially begins his “Favorite Son”
Candidacy for president of the United States will
carry a sheathed, G.I. surplus machete. It is his considered opinion that this is protected activity under the 2nd amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Persons holding contrary opinions should convey them forth with the chief justice, circuit court of West Virginia, courthouse, New Martinsville, W.VA. 26155 and/or chief justice, W.VA. supreme court, Capitol Building,
Charleston, W.VA. 25305. The secretary of our state, Lt. Colonel “Little Mac” Warner, is asked to
convey a copy of this
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persons also filing (but not for those refiling) for this office as “grandfathered” in.

WC 1/22 14427