
Acct of Executor Hunt, Sponaugle

Legal 2 col x 2-3/4”
0907 0914

I have before me the accounts of the Executor or Administrator of the estates of the following deceased persons:
Deceased Personal Representative(s)
Polly D. Hunt Christian Moore
1st publication 9/7/22 17 Union Dr
2nd publication 9/14/22 Hambleton, WV 26269
Patty McCumbers
2128 Burnfork Rd
Rosedale, WV 26636
Lela L. Sponaugle Steven A. Sponaugle
1st publication 9/7/22 112 Harmony Grove RD
2nd publication 9/14/22 Parsons, WV 26287
Claims against any estate must be filed within sixty days of the date of first publication. Any person seeking to impeach or establish a will must make a complaint to the Tucker County Commission, Tucker County Clerk, 211 First St., Suite 205, Parsons, WV. Any person objecting to the qualifications of the personal representative or the venue or jurisdiction of the court must be filed with County Commission within sixty days after the date of first publication or thirty days of service of the notice, whichever is later.