



Vienna Utility Board

210 60th Street

Vienna, WV 26105


Sealed Bids for Water Storage Improvements, Contract VUB 14-04, will be received by the Vienna Utility Board located at 210 60th Street; Vienna, West Virginia 26105 until 1:00 p.m. (local time), February 3, 2015, and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud.


The work covered by the Contract Documents includes the following:


Contract VUB 14-04 ­ Water Storage Improvements

Construction of water storage tanks at Jackson Park and Ninth Street; Base Bid is glass-lined bolted steel construction; Alternate Bid is welded steel construction; valve vaults; site work; and all necessary appertaining work for:


1) Jackson Tank (600,000-gallon capacity, ground supported, with a nominal diameter of 62 feet and approximately 28 feet side wall height) and,


2) Ninth Street Tank (500,000-gallon capacity, ground supported, with a nominal diameter of 34 feet and approximately 78 feet side wall height).


The Bidding Documents may be examined at:

Vienna Utility Board  Burgess & Niple, Inc.

210 60th Street           4424 Emerson Avenue

Vienna, WV 26105     Parkersburg, WV 26104


McGraw-Hill Construction (Dodge)  Contractor’s Association Attn: Scan Department     of West Virginia

3315 Central Avenue  2114 Kanawha Boulevard, East

Hot Springs, AR 71913-6138 Charleston, WV 25311


Copies of the Bidding Documents may be purchased at:

Burgess & Niple, Inc.

4424 Emerson Avenue

Parkersburg, WV 26104

(304) 485-8541

upon payment of $100.00, none of which will be refunded.


Prospective BIDDERS may address written inquiries to:

Burgess & Niple, Inc.

4424 Emerson Avenue

Parkersburg, WV 26104         (304) 485-8541 Phone

(304) 485-0238 Fax

Attention: Lise Sibicky, PE

[email protected]


A pre-bid conference will be held at the Vienna Utility Board office located at 210 60th Street, Vienna, WV at 10:00 a.m. (local time), January 20, 2015. ATTENDANCE BY ALL BIDDERS IS MANDATORY.


Per the requirements of Article 21-11-11 of the Code of the State of West Virginia, any Contractor submitting a Bid on this project hereby certifies, indicates, and acknowledges that he/she has a Contractorás license from the State of West Virginia and meets all the qualifications required by the statutes of the state and subdivision in which the Work is to be performed.


A certified check or bank draft payable to the Vienna Utility Board or a Bid Bond executed by the Bidder and a Surety Company approved by the City of Vienna in the amount equal to five percent (5{4ceb532c6f579389df471c6c1e832caf2346b74dc60fcbf6aabd4d29df3baf9c}) of the Bid (inclusive of the Add Alternate), shall be submitted with each Bid, to guarantee the Bidder’s entrance into a Contract, if given the award.


No Bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after the time of the opening of the Bids.


Per the requirements of Article 21-1D-5 of the Code of the State of West Virginia, any Contractor submitting a bid for a public improvement construction contract shall provide an affidavit of compliance that the Contractor has a written plan for a drug-free workplace policy. Failure to complete the Drug Free Workplace Conformance Affidavit Bid Form shall result in disqualification of the Bid.


Per Article 21-1C-1 of the Code of the State of West Virginia, any Contractor submitted a bid on this project shall agree to comply with the requirements of the WV Jobs Act.


Attention to the BIDDERS is called to the Instructions to Bidders, which are included in the proposed Contract Documents. Proposals shall be completed and properly executed in the proposal bid package supplied in the Specifications.


BIDDERS must comply with the applicable prevailing wage rate requirements imposed for public improvements applicable to Wood County, West Virginia. BIDDERS’ attention is called to the Instructions to Bidders, which are included in the Contract Documents. Successful Bidders shall be required to comply with all laws pertaining to minimum wage and discrimination of persons.


The Vienna Utility Board reserves the right to reject any and all Bids or to increase or decrease or omit any item or items and/or award to the lowest and best BIDDER.


By The Vienna Utility Board.


This 8th day of January, 2015.


Randall C. Rapp




Jan 8, 15
