Legal Notice The City of Parkersburg will receive sealed bids for MICROSOFT LICENSING AND SUPPORT. **** Bids will be received in the office of the Finance Director, First Floor, #1 Government Square, Parkersburg WV 26101, until 4:00 P.M., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2025 local time. ALL SEALED BIDS SHALL BE PUBLICLY[Read More…]
Author: Parkersburg News & Sentinel
Public Notice
LEGAL NOTICE The City of Parkersburg will receive sealed bids for #2025-06 DECK GUN AND STEAM TRACTOR REPAINT. **** Bids will be received in the office of the Finance Director, First Floor, City Building, #1 Government Square, Parkersburg WV 26101, until 4:00 P.M. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2025 local time. ALL[Read More…]
Public Notice
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ONLUBECK PUBLIC SERVICE DISTRICT SEWER USE ORDINANCE Notice is hereby given that on January 23, 2025, the Public Service Board of Lubeck Public Service District (the “District”) caused to be read an ordinance relating to the construction, acquisition, operation and maintenance of the District’s sewer collection[Read More…]
Public Notice
ORDER OF PUBLICATIONIN THE MAGISTRATECOURT OF WOOD COUNTY,WEST VIRGINIA City of Parkersburg PO Box 1627Parkersburg WV 26102PlaintiffvCivil ActionNo. 24-M54C-02051 CHASE LINCO LOOPERP.O. BOX 2183ST. ALBANS WV 25177Defendant The object of the above entitled action is to obtain judgment in amount of $744.64 plus court cost and interest from the date[Read More…]
Public Notice
ORDER OF PUBLICATIONIN THE MAGISTRATECOURT OF WOOD COUNTY,WEST VIRGINIA City of Parkersburg PO Box 1627Parkersburg WV 26102PlaintiffvCivil ActionNo. 24-M54C-02057 CAROLYN DOTSON ESTATE1596 JACKSON STCHARLESTON WV 25311Defendant The object of the above entitled action is to obtain judgment in amount of $465.40 plus court cost and interest from the date of[Read More…]
Public Notice
ORDER OF PUBLICATIONIN THE MAGISTRATECOURT OF WOOD COUNTY,WEST VIRGINIA City of Parkersburg PO Box 1627Parkersburg WV 26102PlaintiffvCivil ActionNo. 24-M54C-02038 RAYMOND & BILLIE CROSS1110 CAMDEN AVEPARKERSBURG WV 26101Defendant The object of the above entitled action is to obtain judgment in amount of $837.72 plus court cost and interest from the date[Read More…]
Public Notice
ORDER OF PUBLICATIONIN THE MAGISTRATECOURT OF WOOD COUNTY,WEST VIRGINIA City of Parkersburg PO Box 1627Parkersburg WV 26102PlaintiffvCivil ActionNo. 24-M54C-02048 DEBBIE BODGE918 CENTER STPARKERSBURG WV 26101Defendant The object of the above entitled action is to obtain judgment in amount of $465.40 plus court cost and interest from the date of judgment[Read More…]
Public Notice
ORDER OF PUBLICATIONIN THE MAGISTRATECOURT OF WOOD COUNTY,WEST VIRGINIA City of Parkersburg PO Box 1627Parkersburg WV 26102PlaintiffvCivil ActionNo. 24-M54C-02039 REBECCA HENDERSON131 GREEN TREE DRPARKERSBURG WV 26104Defendant The object of the above entitled action is to obtain judgment in amount of $279.24 plus court cost and interest from the date of[Read More…]
Public Notice
ORDER OF PUBLICATIONIN THE MAGISTRATECOURT OF WOOD COUNTY,WEST VIRGINIA City of Parkersburg PO Box 1627Parkersburg WV 26102PlaintiffvCivil ActionNo. 24-M54C-02036 RICHARD MOORE5 8th AVE LOT # 13PARKERSBURG WV 26101Defendant The object of the above entitled action is to obtain judgment in amount of $837.72 plus court cost and interest from the[Read More…]
Public Notice
MOVRC 2025 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGS Unless otherwise indicated all meetings will be at 709 Market Street at 5:30pm APRIL 16, 2025JULY 16, 2025OCTOBER 15, 2025 Jan 31