

ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS NORTH BECKLEY PUBLIC SERVICE DISTRICT RALEIGH COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA STANAFORD ACRES COLLECTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS CONTRACT 1 IJDC Project # 2013S-1467 Sealed bids of Contract 1 North Beckley Public Service District Stanaford Acres Collection System Improvements, to serve the District, will be received by North Beckley Public Service District office, 122 Clearwater Lane, Beckley, West Virginia, until 10.00 a.m., L.P.T., on March 20, 2015 for furnishing labor and materials and performing all work set forth in the Advertisement for Bids, Form of Proposal, Information for Bidders, General Conditions, Supplemental General Conditions, Detail Specifications and Plans prepared by Lawson Engineering and Technical Services. Immediately following the scheduled closing time for the reception of bids, all proposals which have been submitted in accordance with the conditions of this project will be publicly opened and read aloud. The work to be bid upon is described as follows: Contract 1: Construction of 7,950 feet of 6″ PVC Sewer Pipe, 9,125 feet of 8″ PVC Sewer Pipe, 6,500 feet of 6″ PVC Sewer Lateral, 40 feet of 12″ Stream Crossing Steel Casing Pipe, 255 feet of 16″ Road Crossing Steel Casing Pipe, 484 feet of 12″ Road Crossing Steel Casing Pipe, 97 Eccentric Cone Top Manholes, 19 Clean-outs (6″), 96 “Y” or “T” Branches (6″), 90 “Y” or “T” Branches (8″), 186 Clean-outs Residential (4″), Concrete Collars, Anchors, Clearing and Grubbing, Lawn Seeding, Video Taping, Stone and Asphalt Resurfacing, eight (8) connections to existing sewer lines, the closure of the existing treatment systems/facilities and all associated construction activities and all appurtenances necessary to provide a complete and workable system in accordance with the contract documents. These contracts will be financed in all or in part through the West Virginia Infrastructure and Jobs Development Council. Construction time limit for each contract shall be 270 calendar days. Liquidated damages shall be $300.00 per day. Plans, Specifications and Contract Documents may be examined at the following places: North Beckley Public Service District 122 Clearwater Lane Beckley, WV 25801 Lawson Engineering & Technical Services 144 Oleander Street Beckley, WV 25801 Contractors Association of West Virginia 2114 Kanawha Boulevard East Charleston, WV 25311 F.W. Dodge 2 Players Club Drive Charleston, WV 25301 Plans and specifications may be obtained from the office of Lawson Engineering and Technical Services, 144 Oleander Street, Beckley, West Virginia 25801. The cost of each complete set of plans and specifications supplied shall be $150.00 for each contract, which is not refundable. Information for Bidders and Form of Proposal will be furnished upon request. A two envelope system will be used. Each Bid must be submitted in a sealed envelope (“Envelope No. 1”) which must contain: (a) the Bid Bond, (b) Certificates of Compliance, (c) Power of Attorney, (d) all other necessary documents as required on the Bid Opening Checklist on page CHK-1 of these Contract Documents, and (e) a separate sealed envelope inside marked “Bid Proposal” (“Envelope No. 2”) containing the completed and signed Bid. Both Envelope No. 1 and Envelope No. 2 must have the following information in the lower left hand corner: Name and address of Bidder Bidder’s West Virginia Contractor’s License Number Bid on North Beckley PSD Stanaford Acres Collection System Improvements, Contract 1. To Be Opened 10:00 a.m., L.P.T., March 20, 2015 Envelope No. 1 will be opened first and shall contain a certified check or bank draft payable to the North Beckley Public Service District, Raleigh County. West Virginia, or a Bid Bond executed by the Bidder and a grantee Bidder and a Bidder surety company approved by the North Beckley Public Service District, Raleigh County, West Virginia, in the amount equal to five percent (5{4ceb532c6f579389df471c6c1e832caf2346b74dc60fcbf6aabd4d29df3baf9c}) of the Bid, shall be submitted with each Bid, to guarantee the Bidder’s entrance into a Contract, if given the award. In addition, Envelope No. 1 shall contain Certificates of Compliance, Power of Attorney, and all other necessary documents required on the Bid Opening Checklist on page CHK-1 of these Contract Documents will be reviewed to ensure that all such documents are in order. Documents required shall include, but not be limited to HUD form “Certification of Bidder Regarding Equal Employment Opportunity,” the HUD form “Certification of Bidder Regarding Section 3 and Segregated Facilities”. If the documents in Envelope No. 1 are found to be in order, Envelope No. 2 will then be opened and the Bid Proposal will be publicly read aloud and the No Bid shall be waived or returned because the Bidder failed to or cannot comply with any requirements as set forth in Plan, Specifications, or any applicable statutes of the United States, the State of West Virginia and/or local ordinances. However, bids received after the scheduled closing time for the reception of bids will be returned unopened to the bidders. If the documents required to be contained in Envelope No. 1 are not in order, Envelope No. 2 will not be opened and the Bid will be considered non-responsive and will be returned to the Bidder. A bidder may not withdraw his bid for a period of ninety (90) days after the date set for the opening of bids. Prospective Bidders are advised that the contract awarded under this Advertisement for Bids is to be funded through a loan through the West Virginia Infrastructure and Jobs Development Council. Neither the United States nor any of its departments, agencies, or employees is or will be a party to this Advertisement for Bids or any resulting contract. Bidders on this work will be required to comply with the President’s Executive Order No. 11246, which prohibit and discrimination in employment regarding race, creed, color, sex, or national origin. Bidders must comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Davis-Bacon Act, the Anti-Kickback Act and the Contract Work Hours Standards Act. Bidders are advised that they must comply with the West Virginia Jobs Act (SB 103) West Virginia Code 21-1C-1. Recipient shall not entertain the use of businesses that are listed on the “Excluded Parties List System” at www.epis.gov in accordance with the 2 CFR Part 1532 and Subpart B and C of 2 CFR Part 180. Per the requirements of the Article 21-11-11 of the Code of the State of West Virginia, and Contractor submitting a Bid on this project hereby certifies, indicates, and acknowledges that he / she has a Contractor’s License from the State of West Virginia and meets all the qualifications required by the Statues of the state and location in which the Work is to be performed. Successful Bidders shall be required to Comply with all laws pertaining to prevailing wages for the State of West Virginia as issued by the West Virginia Division of Labor and the federal wage rates issued in accordance rate for a worker classification, the Contractor will be required to 1) identify the applicable State and Federal wage rate for the worker classification, and 2) select and pay the highest of the wage rates for the worker classification. Wage Rate Decisions are in the Contract Documents and will be updated as required by addendum prior to bid opening date. Per the requirements of the Article 21-1D-5 of the Code of the State of West Virginia, and Contractor submitting a bid for a public improvement construction contract shall provide an affidavit of compliance that the Contractor has a written plan for a drug-free workplace policy. Failure to complete the Drug Free Workplace Conformation Affidavit Bid Form shall result in disqualification of the Bid. Compliance with all other applicable federal and state regulations is required. North Beckley Public Service District reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities. A pre-bid conference will be held at North Beckley Public Service District office, Beckley, West Virginia, on March 4, 2015, at 10:00 a.m., L.P.T. NORTH BECKLEY PUBLIC SERVICE DISTRICT RALEIGH COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA BY: Jan Datsko, Chairman 2-24-TUE-2-RH; L 2599
