
Announcement of Bid Acceptance on the Oil and Gas Resources

Announcement of Bid Acceptance on the Oil and Gas Resources beneath the following areas, leasing for production.


The State of West Virginia, Department of Commerce, Division of Natural Resources, offers by bid award the exclusive right and privilege to lease for production purposes, certain of the State’s oil and gas resources under the following properties:


  1. The Jug Wildlife Management Area, Tyler County;
  2. Tax Map 5, Parcel 9; and Tax Map 5, Parcel 9.1, Greenbrier District, in Doddridge County, containing 23.76 net mineral acres, more or less;
  3. 130.45 acres, more or less, underlying Fish Creek in Marshall County;
  4. Mile post 104 to 108 underlying the Ohio River in Marshall County;
  5. Mile post 125 to 127 underlying the Ohio River in Wetzel County;
  6. Mile post 127-130 underlying the Ohio River in Wetzel county


Interested parties may submit their interest in the subject properties electronically by visiting www.wvmineraldevelopment.org or write for a copy of the Division of Natural Resources bid procedure and prospectus package at the following address.


WEST VIRGINIA DIVISION OF NATURAL RESOURCES          OFFICE OF LAND AND STREAMS                                           324 4th AVENUE, ROOM 200                                                                                                SOUTH CHARLESTON, WEST VIRGINIA 25303


The bidding procedure and prospectus package generally describes the area to be leased, including location maps, contains a list of specifically required information of each bidder and sets out the minimum bid requirements. The DNR must receive bids from interested parties for these properties no later than 4:00 pm on January 22, 2015.



Dec 16, 23

