Author: The Pendleton Times

Notice of Trustee’s Sale

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of the authority under that certain deed of trust executed by William E. Wright and Tiffany B. Shirk, to Jeffrey S. Bowers and J. Stuart Bowers, II, Trustees dated March 27, 2013, and recorded in the office of the[Read More…]

WV DOT DOH Notice to Contractors

WEST VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Division of Highways NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Bids will be received electronically by the West Virginia Department of Trans-portation, Division of Highways through the Bid Express Bidding Service ( and by sealed proposals (only when prequalification is waived) being received at its office in Building 5,[Read More…]

Order of Publication – Name Change

ORDER OF PUBLICATION IN THE FAMILY COURT OF Pendleton COUNTY, WEST VIRIGNIA IN RE: THE CHANGE OF NAME OF Abigail Marie Simmons to Abigail Marie Deisher FAMILY COURT CASE    NO.: 24-P-9 NOTICE OF APPLICATION OF CHANGE OF NAME: Notice is hereby given that on the 17th day of December,[Read More…]

Public Notice – Proposed Amendment to the WV Constitution on the General Election Ballot

PUBLIC NOTICE: Proposed Amendment to the WV Constitution to be on the November 5, 2024, General Election Ballot. Title of Amendment: “Amendment No. 1: Protection of persons against medically assisted suicide” Summary of Purpose: “The purpose of this amendment is to protect West Virginians against medically assisted suicide.” Full Text[Read More…]

Notice of Sale Under Deed of Trust

NOTICE OF SALE UNDER DEED OF TRUST Notice is hereby given that under authority of that certain Deed of Trust hereinafter described, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will by virtue of authority vested in him, at the front door of the Pendleton County Courthouse in Franklin, West Virginia, AT 11:00 A.M.[Read More…]
