
Clay Co Commission Bids for Sidewalk

Legal 2 col x 2-1/4”
0714 0721

Bids Accepted for Sidewalk
The Clay County Commission will be accepting sealed bids to replace the sidewalk in front of the New Courthouse located at 246 Main Street, Clay, WV 25043. A brief description of the work is to remove a 115.50 feet by 7 feet & 7 inches section of the courthouse courtyard and replace it with a concrete sidewalk and curb. This will include removing the current sidewalk, curb and trees. The bricks will be salvaged for later use. The current three light poles will need removed and repositioned along the sidewalk. New PVC Conduit for light poles will need to be installed. Light poles will need wired and connected to current power source. ADA Truncated Dome Pads will be required to be installed at each end of sidewalk.
Sealed bids will be accepted by 10:00 a.m. on July 25, 2022 by the Clay County Commission at 246 Main Street, Clay, WV 25043. Bids may also be mailed to the Clay County Commission at PO Box 190, Clay, WV 25043. The County Commission reserves the right to refuse any and all bids.