
Co Commission Bids Camera to View Storm Drains

Legal 2 col x 3-1/4”

The Clay County Commission is accepting bids. Bids shall include using a camera to view the entire underground storm drains and sanitary piping to determine why they are backing up. This includes using a camera to view roof drains that connect into the underground storm drains to determine why they are backing up. The Courthouse flooring and or parking lot may be required to be cut, removed and replaced in order to repair/replace drain lines. Your bid total must include the cost of removal and replacement of any damaged drain pipes, repairing courthouse flooring and/or parking lot. Applicants are required to have a WV Contractor’s License and 1 million dollars of liability insurance. Contractors must comply with all Covid regulations and current guidelines. It will be critical that the repairs allow the public’s use of the facility and that any interruptions of use be kept to a minimum. All work obviously necessary for the completion of the contract shall be included, whether or not specifically sown or specified.
Any bidder wanting to evaluate the project can make an appointment by calling the County Clerk’s Office at 304-587-4259 and a representative will meet with you.
Sealed bids should be submitted to : Clay County Commission, P.O. Box 190, Clay, WV 25043 or delivered to the Clay County Clerk’s at 246 Main Street, Clay, WV 25043.
Bids are due by March 14, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. Bids must be accompanied by a proof of contractor’s license and workers compensation from the State of WV and liability insurance.
The Clay County Commission reserves the right to reject any and all proposals for any reason whatsoever.