
CVPSD Zone A WWTP Public Meeting

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CVPSD Zone A WWTP Public Meeting Ad 8/5/2022
The Canaan Valley Public Service District (the District) owns and operates a decentralized wastewater transmission and treatment system in Tucker County, West Virginia. The Canaan Valley Resort State Park has an existing sanitary sewer system that includes five (5) package wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) owned and operated by the West Virginia Department of Natural Resources (WVDNR) and private developers. The WWTPs discharge effluent to tributaries ofthe Blackwater River, which is an impaired stream. These WWTPs are in failing condition and are unable meet pollutant discharge limitations for the Blackwater River, which worsens the condition of the waterway and threatens local wildlife.
The District is pursuing Alternative #1 to replace the five (5) failing package plants with a new WWTP at the state park. A force main will be constructed to discharge effluent to an existing outfall on the Blackwater River. The alternative also proposes to install a force main and two (2) pump stations to expand sewer service to the Blackwater Center and Land of Canaan areas and transport sewer flows to the new WWTP. This is the most cost-effective solution to consolidate the wastewater discharges, improve water quality, and enable future growth in the area.
A public meeting will be held on August 16, 2022, at 5:00 PM at the Canaan Valley Volunteer Fire Department, 6563 Appalachian Highway, Davis, to discuss the project and accept public comment.