



February 4, 2015



James L. Pitrolo, Jr., Chairman of the West Virginia Health Care Authority, today announced that the Authority has received a request for an exemption from Certificate of Need review, pursuant to W.Va. C.S.R. Œ 65-27, from Camden Clark Medical Center, Parkersburg, Wood County, CON File #15-5-10408-X, for the development of a hospital ambulatory health care facility in Wood County. The facility is located at 2012 Garfield Avenue, Suite âCã and âDã, Parkersburg, Wood County, and will provide orthopedic services. The office will be staffed by five (5) or less physicians.


The capital expenditure associated with the project is $50,000.


Any affected person may oppose this proposal by submitting a letter stating the reason for the opposition, within thirty days of the first date of publication of the public notice to:


Marianne Kapinos

General Counsel

West Virginia Health Care Authority

Certificate of Need Program

100 Dee Drive

Charleston W.Va. 25311


The last date upon which an affected party may file a letter of opposition to this proposal is March 16, 2015.




Feb 12, 19
