
Legal Notice

Notice of Ordinance to Amend the Municipal Code of Mullens

amendment to the Composition of the City Sanitary Board and their Remuneration

On April 19, 2022 the Council for the City of Mullens made a motion, which was passed, in a regularly scheduled City Council meeting to propose an Amendment to the Composition of the City Sanitary Board and their remuneration. Said Amendment would require the City Counsel to elect the Sanitary Board each year and the Board would consist of the following: one member selected among the current City Council or Mayor; one member preferably an engineer; and one member a citizen of Mullens. The compensation would be set at $200.00 per month. If passed the Amendment would be effective July 1, 2022.

Anyone affected by this amendment or if anyone objects to the herein proposed amendment may – file a written statement of protest to the following address: City of Mullens 316 Moran Av Mullens WV 25882; OR attend the next two regularly scheduled meetings and request an hearing regarding these changes. The first and second reading of the proposed amendment will occur on May 17, 2022 @ 7:00 p.m. and June 21, 2022 @ 7:00 pm.

Allyson Norris, City Clerk

ID: 600906