
Legal Notice


NOTICE is hereby given that Logan County Public Service District (the “District”), a public utility, has passed on first reading a resolution which proposes to approve a waterline extension project and to increase its rates, fees, and charges for furnishing water service to 10,167 customers in Logan County and parts of Lincoln County, Mingo County, Boone County, and Wyoming County, all in West Virginia, including the District’s one resale customer: Chapmanville Water Department, in order to fund this project.

The proposed increased rates, fees, and charges will generate monies to fund the project described below:

Upper Huff Creek Water Project – Waterline extension to serve approximately 77 potential customers in the Upper Huff Creek, Brush Fork, and Road Fork areas of northern Wyoming County, and consists of the construction of approximately 25,640 linear feet of 6-inch and smaller diameter waterline, one 126 GPM duplex booster station, one 40 GPM duplex constant pressure booster station, two 158 gallon hydro-pneumatic tanks, one 54,000 gallon water storage tanks, one portable generator, fire hydrants, valves, individual customer services, and other related appurtenances at an estimated cost of $3,400,000, of which approximately $1,400,000 will be obtained from a loan from the West Virginia Infrastructure Fund through the issuance of the Series 2022 A Bonds, approximately $150,000 will be obtained from a contribution from The County Commission of Wyoming County, approximately $1,389,000 will be obtained from a Small Cities Block Grant, and approximately $500,000 will be obtained from a West Virginia Infrastructure Fund grant.

Unless otherwise ordered by The County Commission of Logan County (the “Commission”), the proposed increased rates, fees, and charges will be implemented in three steps described below:

Step 1 of the increased rates, fees, and charges will become effective 45 Days after approval by the Commission and will produce approximately $737,706 annually in additional revenue, an increase of 13% over the District’s current rates on file with the Public Service Commission of West Virginia. The impact of the proposed going-level increased rates, fees, and charges on the monthly minimum bill, average bill, and bills at the other usage levels shown below for the various classes of customers will be as follows:


Step 2 of the increased rates, fees, and charges will become effective upon substantial competition of the Project, unless otherwise ordered by the Commission and will produce approximately $264,487 annually in additional revenue, an increase of 4.2% over Step 1 rates. The impact of the proposed project based Step 2 increased rates, fees, and charges on the monthly minimum bill, average bill, and bills at other usage levels shown below for the various classes of customers will be as follows:

The increases in monthly bills shown above are based on averages of all customers in the indicated class. Individual customers may receive increases that are greater or less than average, depending on their actual monthly usage. The proposed increase in rates, fees, and charges will become effective unless otherwise ordered by the Commission.

The Public Service Board (the “Board”) of the District will have a first reading on May 2, 2022, of the proposed project construction and rate change resolution (the “Resolution”) and will hold a public hearing on the project and the requested increases in rates, fees, and changes at 6:30 p.m. on May 17, 2022, at the Logan County Public Service District offices located at 41 Armory Road, Monaville, WV 25601. Any interested party may appear at the public hearing and be heard by the Board with respect to the proposed construction of the project and the proposed increase to the rates, fees, and charges. Following the public hearing, the Board may consider the Resolution for adoption on second reading.

A complete copy of the Board’s Resolution to approve the project and to approve the changes to the rates, fees, and charges, and information relating to the proposed project, is available for public inspection and review, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Logan County Public Service District Offices located at 41 Armory Road, Monaville, WV 25601.

Dated: May 4, 2022
/s/ Mike Stone