
Legal Notice


The Wyoming County Board of Education will be accepting bids for a 2-Door Expansion Node Bundle Access Control System, Access Control Cabling, Linear Access Control Printable Cards, Access Control Printer Bundle including software, and all Labor/IT services associated with installation for all 14 schools in Wyoming County.

The above mentioned 2-Door Expansion System must be compatible with the Access Control Module we already have in place at our Central Office Complex.

Please call (304)732-6262, Ext. 1131 for a copy of the bid specifications.

Interested companies may provide their own bid forms. Bids must be received no later than 11:00 a.m., July 29, 2022, in the office of the Superintendent of Schools.

The Board Reserves the right and privilege to reject any or all bids received under this proposal.

Deirdre A. Cline