
Legal Notice

There are no additional required health effects violation notices.

There are no additional required health effects notices.

Physical Verification
Gauley River PSD will also verify “unknown” service lines during service interruptions; in-houses meter box inspections. A spreadsheet will be created to track these locations and record the actual material observed, such as lead, copper plastic, galvanized steel or other. To do this, the Gauley River PSD will perform visual inspections of meter pits and collect customer information including pictures of where the service line enters the property. The visual inspections will include a scratch test on all metal piping. Lead is a dull gray color and very soft. If scraped with a key, it will turn a bright silver color. Even a very strong magnet will not stick to lead.

Types of water pipes
Follow the guidance below or contact a liceensed plumber to determine the material of your water pipes. To identify the material of your service pipe material on private property, check your household water service connection, typically located in the basement.

Homeowners should identify and replace old household pipes, particularly galvanized plumbing and sources of lead. The type of household plumbing can vary throught your household.

A dull, silver-gray color that is easily scratched with a coin. Use a magnet – strong magnets will not cling to lead pipes.

A dull, silver-gray color. Use a magnet – strong magnets will typically cling to galvanized pipes.

The color of a copper penny.

White, rigid pipe that is joined to water supply piping with a clamp.

Your CCR is available at WWW:// gauleyriverpsd.myruralwater.com. To receive a paper copy in the mail, please contact us at the phone number above.