
Legal Notice


The undersigned Substitute Trustee, by virtue of the authority vested in it by that certain Deed of Trust dated May 19, 2021, and duly recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County Commission of McDowell County, West Virginia, in Deed of Trust Book 628, at Page 456, Austin Narvel did convey unto Ronald D. Hassan, Trustee, certain real property described in said Deed of Trust; and the beneficiary has elected to appoint Pill & Pill, PLLC as Substitute Trustee by a Substitution of Trustee recorded in the aforesaid Clerk’s Office; and default having been made under the aforementioned Deed of Trust, and the undersigned Substitute Trustee having been instructed by the secured party to foreclose thereunder, will offer for sale at public auction at the front door of the Mc Dowell County Courthouse, in Welch, West Virginia, on

June 13, 2023, at 12:05 PM

The following described real estate, with its improvements, easements and appurtenances thereunto belonging, situate in the Browns Creek District, Mc Dowell County, West Virginia, and more particularly described as follows:

With Covenants of SPECIAL WARRANTY of Title, the surface of all that certain parcel of land containing 118.63 acres, more or less, situated near Twin Branch, in Browns Creek District, McDowell County, West Virginia, on the waters of Upper Twin Branch of Tug Fork and being bounded and described as follows, to-wit:

(In accordance with surveys made by Pocahontas Land Corporation in May, June, and July 1991. Bearings refer to true meridian at Gary, West Virginia.)

BEGINNING at the northwestern most corner of the land herewith described, being a stone, a beech, a birch and a sourwood, pointers, 30 feet northwest of a drain, and being situated about 1,500 feet west of the Twin Branch Lake dam, said corner being within the boundary of lands of Pocahontas Land Corporation as included in lease dated August 1, 1960, recorded in Wyoming County, West Virginia, in Deed Book No. 198, Page 390, between Pocahontas Land Corporation, lessor, and Robinson-Phillips Coal Company, lessee; thence S. 87deg. 05? E, at about 85 feet crossing the center of a graveled road being secondary public road W. Va. Route No. 7/5, running 209.9 feet to a stone, a maple and 2 white oak pointers, on a steep hillside; thence N. 66deg. 05? E. 914.6 feet to a lead plug in a rock, a red oak and 2 white oak pointers, on a hillside; thence N. 49deg. 25? E. 140.0 feet to a stone, double poplar, a birch and 2 small beech pointers, being in a drain and about 150 feet north of the northerly end of said dam; thence N. 78deg. 38? E. 1204.6 feet to a lead plug in a rock, a scarlet oak and 3 dogwood pointers, on a hillside; thence S. 73deg. 37? E. about 105 feet crossing a graveled road, at about 155 feet crossing a drain, running 416.8 feet to a stone, a hickory and a white oak, pointers; thence S. 17deg. 47? W. 373.7 feet to a stake, a beech pointer; thence S. 4deg. 58? E. 191.9 feet to a stake, an elm pointer, in a drain; thence S. 43deg. 58? W. 373.4 feet to a stake, a sourwood and 3 white oak pointers, on a hillside; thence S. 2deg. 27? E. 255.7 feet to a stake, 2 hickory pointers; thence S. 28deg. 20? E. 405.0 feet to a ½ inch iron pin on a spur; thence S. 21deg. 49? E. 1242.6 feet to a lead plug in a rock, a poplar, a sourwood, a dogwood and a scarlet oak, pointers on a spur; thence S. 36deg. 09? E. 632.9 feet to a railroad spike, a dogwood, an ash and a maple, pointers in a center of an old road bed; thence running with the center of said road bed S. 46deg. 41? W. 241.7 feet to a railroad spike, a poplar, a blue beech and 2 red bud pointers; thence S. 23deg. 53? W. 152.2 feet to a railroad spike, a birch pointer; thence S. 14deg. 01? W. 126.7 feet to a railroad spike, a birch pointer; thence S. 14deg. 01? W. 139.9 feet to a railroad spike in the center of herein before mentioned secondary public road W. Va. Route No. 7/5; thence leaving the center of said old road bed and running with the center of said secondary public road W. Va. Route No. 7/5, S. 42deg. 49? E. 160.3 feet to a railroad spike, a birch pointer; thence leaving the center of said Route No. 7/5 S. 54deg. 47? W., at about 14 feet crossing Upper Twin Branch, running 361.9 feet to a stake, a double sycamore, an ash and a birch, pointers, in a drain; thence N. 38deg. 07? W. 316.2 feet to a stake, 2 maple pointers, on a hillside; thence N. 47deg. 02? W. 173.6 feet to a stake, a hemlock, a maple and a sourwood, pointers, on a hillside; thence N. 51deg. 56? W. 379.2 feet to a lead plug in a rock, 3 hemlocks, a birch and 2 maple pointers, on a rock outcrop on a spur; thence N. 55deg. 23? W. 355.8 feet to a lead plug in a rock, 3 beech pointers, on a spur; thence N. 9deg. 39? E. 442.3 feet to a lead plug in a large rock, a maple, a white oak and 2 beech pointers, on top of a spur; thence N. 76deg. 08? W. 120.2 feet to a stake, a beech and a white oak, pointers, 15 feet north of the top of a spur; thence N. 89deg. 58? W. 294.8 feet to a lead plug in a rock, a hickory, a birch and a double wahoo, pointers, 5 feet north of the center of a spur; thence N. 60deg. 03? W. 172.7 feet to a stake, a dogwood and 2 cucumber pointers on a hillside; thence. 45deg. 51? W. 228.4 feet to a lead plug in a rock (8 inches below ground), 2 ash pointers, about 75 feet southwest of a drain; thence N. 31deg. 50? E. crossing said drain, running 142.6 feet to a lead plug in a rock, a hickory, a maple and a gum, pointers, about 70 feet northeast of said drain; thence S. 88deg. 10? E. 458.4 feet to a stake, a red oak and a gum, pointers, on a hillside; thence N. 87deg. 18? E 191.4 feet to a stake, a red bud, a maple and a white oak, pointers, on a hillside; thence S. 88deg. 25? E. 238.8 feet to a stone, a black oak, a beech and hemlock, pointers, 20 feet southwest of the center of a spur; thence N. 13deg. 58? W. 910.3 feet to a stone in a drain, 2 poplars and 2 beech pointers, 110 feet southwest of road; thence N. 73deg. 11? 30″ W. 1846.8 feet to a stone on a hillside, a dogwood, a hickory, a sourwood, a gum, a beech and 2 birch pointers, 50 feet south of said secondary public road W. Va. Route No. 7/5; thence S. 50deg. 47? W. 394.1 feet to a stone, 2 maples, a dogwood and 2 blue beech pointers, 50 feet southwest of a drain; thence N. 12deg. 14? W. 587.3 feet to the beginning; CONTAINING 118.63 acres, more or less.

At the time of the execution of the Deed of Trust, this property was reported to have a mailing address of 118.63 acres near Town Branch, Davy, WV 24828.

AND BEING the same real estate which was conveyed to Austin Narvel by Deed dated October 1, 2020, from Robert I. Johns, Chapter 7 Trustee, and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County Commission of Mc Dowell County, West Virginia, in Deed Book 628 at Page 456.

The above-described property will be sold subject to any covenants, restrictions, easements, leases and conditions of record, and subject to any unpaid real estate taxes.

The subject property will be sold in “AS IS” condition. The Substitute Trustee shall be under no duty to cause any existing tenant or person occupying the subject property to vacate said property.

TERMS: Ten percent (10%) of the purchase price as a deposit with the balance due and payable within 30 days of the day of sale.
Pill & Pill, PLLC, Substitute Trustee

P. O. Box 440, 85 Aikens Center, Martinsburg, WV 25404
Phone (304) 263-4971,
Fax (304) 267-5840, e-mail:
[email protected]
