Mahindra Finance USA will offer the following repossessed equipment for sale to the highest bidder for certified funds, plus applicable sales tax. Equipment: MAD 3016 Shuttle Tractor S/N: 30G121112999, MAD 3720 Backhoe S/N: B12494224, MAD ML116S Loader S/N: 124867525, MAD FM-60 Finish Mower S/N: 1001340820, and MAD ST-60 Cutter S/N: 138186. Date of sale July 22, 2015. Time of Sale: 11:00 A.M. Place of sale: Tractor Pros Incorporated 1673 Elizabeth Pike Mineral Wells, WV 26150. Equipment can be inspected at place of sale. The equipment will be sold AS IS, without warranty. We reserve the right to bid. For further information please contact Peter Boehl (484) 682-5162, Reference Number: 1319521.
Jul 8, 15