NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Bluefield, Virginia Planning Commission and Town Council will hold a JOINT PUBLIC HEARING on April 23, 2024 @ 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall at 112 Huffard Drive in Bluefield, Virginia. This said JOINT PUBLIC HEARING is being held to receive input on the rezoning of Highland Acres from R-2 and R-3 to MHS. The following are the affected parcels: 024A3A 0034, 024A3A 0035, 024A3A 0036, 024A314 0018-0029;22A7-A-12, 024A7A 0007, 024A7A 0012A. These parcels include the following addresses: 182-313 Stockton St, 200 Woody Ln, and 110-135 Grim St. For further explanation of why these changes are being proposed, visit All interested persons are invited to appear at the said JOINT PUBLIC HEARING and present their views. Questions/comments may be referred to the Zoning Department at (276) 322-4626 ext. 1013 or [email protected].
ID: 791244