
Legal Notices

Public Notice of EPA Brownfields Cleanup Grant Application by Huntington Area Development Council Huntington Area Development Council (HADCO) is announcing plans to submit a cleanup grant application to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for cleanup of the former Huntington East Practice Field Site, located on 29th Street, in Huntington, WV. This property has had Phase I and Phase II Environmental Assessments performed, including a Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessment. Triad Engineering performed the assessments, and collected three surface soil, six subsurface soil, and three groundwater grab samples which were analyzed for volatile organic compounds (CVB) Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) RCRA 8 Metals and herbicides. Assessment results indicate the presence of numerous contaminants, in surface, subsurface soils and groundwater including arsenic, benzopyrene, trichloroethene, benzo anthracene and naphthalene. These environmental impacts require remediation prior to site redevelopment. The application being submitted to EPA is requesting funds specifically for cleanup activities on the site. The EPA encourages public participation in these applications to ensure the local community is being informed and allowed to comment and provide input into the project. As part of HADCO’s efforts to engage community members in this process, the public is invited and encouraged to attend an upcoming public presentation where they can hear about, review and comment on the proposed cleanup plans. A summary of the project and proposed activities will be made available Tuesday November 7th at 7:00 PM at the regular meeting of the Highlawn Neighborhood Alliance. This meeting is being held at the Community of Grace Church located at 225 28th Street, Huntington, WV. These materials will also be available for public review through November 10th at HADCO’s offices. For questions or additional information, please contact Adam Phillips, Business Development Specialist for HADCO at304.525.1161 during regular business hours. LH-161896 10-27,11-3;2023