
Legal Notices

PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF WEST VIRGINIA CHARLESTON CASE NO. 24-0297-W-GI A general investigation to initiate a task force to recommend rules to govern operation and maintenance of fire hydrants. NOTICE OF FORMATION OF TASK FORCE On March 19, 2024, the Commission created a Fire Hydrant Maintenance and Testing Task Force for the purpose of recommending rules to be adopted by the Commission regarding inspection, flushing, flow testing, and marking of fire hydrants owned by public water utilities. The Legal Division Staff shall serve as chair and administrator of the Fire Hydrant Maintenance and Testing Task Force. West Virginia-American Water Company, Morgantown Utility Board, and the Consumer Advocate Division shall participate on the Fire Hydrant Maintenance and Testing Task Force. The Commission seeks voluntary stakeholder participation from the President of the West Virginia Senate, Speaker of the West Virginia House of Delegates, West Virginia House of Delegates Committee on Infrastructure and Technology, West Virginia Senate Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, West Virginia State Fire Marshal, Parkersburg Fire Chief, West Virginia State Firemen’s Association President, West Virginia Rural Water Association, West Virginia Department of Health, West Virginia Municipal League, West Virginia Association of Counties, County Commissioners Association of West Virginia, West Virginia Offices of the Insurance Commissioner, and each water utility identified in the Final Joint Staff Memorandum as owning hydrants. Anyone desiring to participate on the Fire Hydrant Maintenance and Testing Task Force should file a notice of participation referencing Case No. 24-0297-W-GI with the Executive Secretary of the Public Service Commission by April 3, 2024. Interested parties that do not participate on the Task Force may file comments at any time. All filings should reference Case No. 24-0297-W-GI and be addressed to Executive Secretary, P.O. Box 812, Charleston, West Virginia 25323. LC-170875 03-22;2024