




Notice is hereby given by the Morgan County Commission that it will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, February 19, 2025 at 10:00 a.m., prevailing time, in the County Commission meeting room located at 77 Fairfax Street, Room 101, Berkeley Springs, West Virginia. The Morgan County Commission Chambers are accessible to persons with physical disabilities. If special arrangements need to be made to accommodate citizens in order for them to participate in the public hearing, please contact Mr. Cory Roman, CDBG & HOME Administrator, City of Martinsburg, at 304-264-2131, ext. 276 to make those arrangements. 

The purpose of this public hearing is to discuss the specific housing needs of Morgan County, WV. The Morgan County Commission is a member of the Eastern Panhandle HOME Consortium of West Virginia which consists of the City of Martinsburg, Berkeley County, Jefferson County and Morgan County, West Virginia. The HOME Consortium is eligible to receive a HOME Investment Partnership Grant in FY 2025. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development will be notifying the City of Martinsburg in the future of the amount of HOME funds that will be available for FY 2025. In order to receive those funds, the member jurisdictions in the Eastern Panhandle HOME Consortium must develop a program for the use of HOME funds as a part of the City of Martinsburg’s FY 2025 Annual Action Plan. The HOME Consortium will be preparing its HOME Program, and intends to afford citizens, local agencies and interested parties the opportunity to become involved in the planning process. 

The following general types of activities are eligible for funding under the HOME program: Homeowner Rehabilitation, including repair, rehabilitation or reconstruction of owner occupied houses; Homebuyer Activities, including funds for purchase and/or rehabilitation of existing houses or new construction of houses for homebuyers; Rental Housing, including acquisition and/or rehabilitation of existing rental housing or new construction of rental housing; and Tenant Based Rental Assistance, including financial assistance for rent, security deposits and under certain conditions, utility deposits for tenants. All HOME funds must be used for persons and households that meet the HUD income guidelines and definition of low- and moderate-income. 

Notice is also hereby given that the Morgan County Commission is accepting proposals for the use of its portion of the HOME Consortium funds for FY 2025 beginning Friday, February 5, 2025. Application packets, instructions and information are available on an open basis. All interested applicants are encouraged to contact the CDBG & HOME Administrator, City of Martinsburg at 304-264-2131, ext. 276, in order to obtain the application packet and to address any questions. 

All interested citizens are encouraged to attend this public hearing and will be given the opportunity to present oral or written testimony concerning the housing needs of Morgan County and the use of HOME funds to address those needs. Written comments may be addressed to Mr. Cory Roman, CDBG and HOME Administrator, City of Martinsburg, Martinsburg City Hall, 232 North Queen Street, Martinsburg, WV 25401 or email [email protected]. 

Sean Forney, President 

Morgan County Commission
