

010062638 April 29

City of Morgantown
Planning Division
May, 2015
Legal Notice
The Morgantown Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the following petitions at its Thursday, May 14, 2015 meeting at 6:30 P.M. in City Council Chambers, 389 Spruce Street, Morgantown, WV. Written comments may be sent to this address.
TX15-02 / Administrative / Urban Agriculture: Administratively requested Zoning Text Amendments to Article 1329.02 “Definitions” , Article 1331.05 “Permitted Land Uses” , and Article 1331.06 “Supplemental Regulations Pertaining to Permitted Land Uses Table” as they relate to encouraging urban agriculture. TABLED APRIL 9, 2015.

The Morgantown Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing on the following petitions at their Wednesday, May 20, 2015 meeting at 6:30 P.M. in City Council Chambers, 389 Spruce Street, Morgantown, WV. Written Comments may be sent to this address.
V15-25 / Denny’ s Corporation / Hornbeck Road: Request by Debbie Wilkins of Franchise Signs International, on behalf of Grate Enterprises, Inc., for variance relief from Article 1369 as it relates to signage on Hornbeck Road; Tax Map 64, Parcel 4; B-5, Shopping Center District.
V15-26 / Justin Smith / 402 Sanford Street: Request by Justin Smith for variance relief from Article 1335.04 concerning a front setback encroachment; Tax Map 40, Parcel 237; R-1A, Single-Family Residential District.

The Morgantown Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a special public hearing on the following petitions on Monday, May 7, 2015 meeting at 6:30 P.M. in City Council Chambers, 389 Spruce Street, Morgantown, WV. Written Comments may be sent to this address.
BA15-01 / Central Place, LLC / 494 Spruce Street: Request by Attorney Bryan Edwards, on behalf of Central Place, LLC, for an Administrative Appeal related to information provided in the Staff Report for S15-03-III that was presented to the Planning Commission on March 12, 2015; Tax Map 26, Parcels 245 and 246; B-4, General Business District.
BA15-02 / Central Place, LLC / 494 Spruce Street: Request by Attorney Bryan Edwards, on behalf of Central Place, LLC, for an Administrative Appeal related to the Planning Commission’ s March 12, 2015 site plan approval of Case No. S15-03-III / CA Student Living / 494 Spruce Street; Tax Map 26, Parcels 245 and 246; B-4, General Business District.
For further information, please contact the Planning Division at 304-284-7431 or [email protected].
