

010066873 June 20
City of Morgantown
Planning Division
July, 2015
Legal Notice

There are no items on the Morgantown Planning Commission’ s July 2015 agenda that require advance public notification. The Planning Commission is scheduled to meet on Wednesday, July 9, 2015 at 6:30 P.M. in City Council Chambers, 389 Spruce Street, Morgantown, WV. A press release will be issued should this meeting be canceled due to the lack of a business agenda.

The Morgantown Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing on the following petitions at their Wednesday, July 15, 2015 meeting at 6:30 P.M. in City Council Chambers, 389 Spruce Street, Morgantown, WV. Written Comments may be sent to this address.

V15-27 / Lytle / 1164 Hampton Avenue: Request by Ron and Jennifer Lytle for variance relief from Article 1335.04 to exceed maximum front setback encroachment; Tax Map 22, Parcel 14 and 15; R-1A, Single-Family Residential District.

V15-36 / Park & Madison Boutique / 407 High Street: Request by Shannon Coombs, on behalf of Park & Madison Boutique, for variance relief from Article 1369 as it relates to signage at 407 High Street; Tax Map 26, Parcel 85; B-4, General Business District.

V15-44 / Lotsa Mozza / 419 High Street: Request by Rudy Hoffert of City Neon, Inc., on behalf of Lotsa Mozza, for variance relief from Article 1369 as it relates to signage at 419 High Street; Tax Map 26, Parcel 80; B-4, General Business District.

CU15-05 / South Perk Market / 258 Kingwood Street: Request by Adam Rosefsky, on behalf of South Perk Market, for conditional use approval of a “Convenience Store, Neighborhood” use at 258 Kingwood Street; Tax Map 29, Parcel 447; R-1A, Single-Family Residential.

CU15-06 / Messinger / 1216 University Avenue: Request by Steven Messinger for conditional use approval of an “Incidental Automobile Oriented Use” use at 1216 University Avenue; Tax Map 26A, Parcel 26; B-4, General Business District.

For further information, please contact the Planning Division at 304-284-7431 or [email protected].
