

010067250 June 29, July 6
The Monongalia County Commission requests letters of interest and qualifications from professional, licensed/certified appraisers who will appraise county owned properties.

Interested firms/candidates are to submit seven (6) sets of qualifications that include background information on the firm; resumes of key individuals that will be assigned to the project; information on similar types of projects with which the firm has had past experience; information on any anticipated sub-consultants whose services are anticipated; and five references from similar type of projects.

The successful proposer is required to comply with all applicable Equal Employment Opportunity Laws and Regulations including those of the State of West Virginia.

Properties to be appraised include the Monongalia County Health Department, the former Nurses Residence (located on the Health Department property), the Monongalia County Youth Services Center (Elmer Prince Drive) and the Magistrate Court facilities building (located on Spruce Street).

The County Commission hereby notifies proposers that it will affirmatively ensure that, with regard to any agreement entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority business enterprises are afforded full opportunity to submit qualifications in response to this invitation and are not discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, sex or national origin in consideration for services.

Qualification packages are to be received by 10:00 a.m., Wednesday, July 15, 2015, at the County Commissioner’s Office, 2nd Floor, Courthouse, 243 High Street, Morgantown, WV, 26505. For additional information, contact Bob Doyle, Director of Facilities, Telephone 304.288-0378. E-mail [email protected] or Diane DeMedici, Telephone 304. 291-7281. E-mail [email protected].

Tom Bloom
Monongalia County Commission
