010067309 June 29, July 1
Friends of the Cheat, Inc.
Request for Proposals for Licensed
Remediation Specialist
Friends of the Cheat (FOC) seeks a Licensed Remediation Specialist to provide environmental management and oversight clean-up activities for the Cheat River Rail-Trail project [CSXT rail corridor BAJ 3.0 – BAJ 11.1] in Preston County, WV, including, but not limited to: soil abatement, site clean-up, and navigation of the property through the WVDEP’s Voluntary Remediation Program. Proposals, including a separately sealed fee schedule, are due to FOC on July 22, 2015 at 4pm EST. The complete RFP is available at: www.cheat.org/request-for-proposals-for-lrs/
FOC reserves the right to refuse and reject any and all bids at its sole discretion. Please direct all questions in writing and send to [email protected]g. No phone calls, please.