010067343 July 1, 8
Pursuant to West Virginia Code ยง5G-1-3 and the ordinances of the City of Bridgeport, the City of Bridgeport, the Greater Bridgeport Convention and Visitors Bureau, Inc., and the Bridgeport Municipal Building Commission (Owners) are seeking expressions of interest from qualified architectural/engineering firms for professional architectural and engineering services for the complete construction of a civic multi-use facility, which may include an indoor farmers market, offices for the Greater Bridgeport Convention and Visitors Bureau, museum, work force training education, post office, retail and office incubation space, an outdoor amphitheater, outdoor festival and event areas (the Complex). The Complex is anticipated to be approximately 17,500 square feet. Services will include, among other things, site development, design, construction drawings, plans and specifications, bidding, construction inspection, and preparation of "as built" drawings.
Architectural/Engineering firms are invited to submit three (3) copies of their expression of interest to include a statement of qualifications, performance data, and other information demonstrating experience and expertise for the project. Expressions of interest are due at the City Building, 515 W. Main Street, Bridgeport, Harrison County, West Virginia, 26330, no later than 4:00 p.m. EDT on July 22, 2015, and should be clearly marked "Expressions of Interest Architectural/Engineering Services Bridgeport CVB Multi-Use Facility Project".
In addition to a statement of qualifications, firms should provide a statement of experience with similar projects and at least three (3) references for projects completed within the past two (2) years and descriptions of relevant projects completed within the past ten (10) years.
A Selection Team designated by Owners will evaluate statement of qualifications and will conduct interviews of at least three professional firms submitting qualifications deemed to be the most highly qualified to provide the services required. At the interviews complete description of the scope of services will be provided and firms will be expected to discuss terms of proposed architectural/engineering contracts, including fees and charges.
Owners reserve the right to reject any and all Statements from interested firms and to make the award in the manner deemed by them and, in their sole discretion, to be in the best interest of the City of Bridgeport, the Greater Bridgeport Convention and Visitors Bureau, Inc., and the Bridgeport Municipal Building Commission.
DATED this 26th day of June, 2015.