

010053984 January 5, 12


Notice is hereby given that the accounts of the following fiduciaries are before the undersigned Fiduciary Commissioner for settlement;

1. The Final Report of Receipts and Proposed Disbursements and Motion to Resign as Administrator CTA as filed by John F. Wiley, Administrator CTA of the estate of Robert G. McIntire, deceased.

2. The Final Settlement Report of Receipts and Disbursements Distribution and Affidavit as filed by Kathy Foley, Administratrix DBN of the estate of Kenneth Nestor, deceased.

3. The Annual Report of Receipts, Disbursements and Distribution Affidavit as filed by Lana Pugh Bostwick, Executor of the estate of Clifford J. Pugh, deceased.

Given under my hand this 5th day of January 2015.

Lynne C. Crane
Fiduciary Commissioner
Monongalia County, West Virginia
