

NOTICE Town of Pocahontas, VA Notice is hereby given that the Town of Pocahontas, a municipal corporation, will hold a public hearing before the final vote on a proposed ordinance, the principal object of which is the increase of water rates for customers of the water system operated by the Town of Pocahontas. The title of such ordinance is “An Ordinance to Increase water Rates”. The final vote adoption of said proposed ordinance shall be held in the Opera House on St. Clair Street, Pocahontas VA 24635 on July 20, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Interested parties may appear and be heard at such time with respect to the passage of the proposed ordinance. Copies of the proposed ordinance are available at the Office of the Clerk, Pocahontas Town Hall in Pocahontas VA.
