

010068588 July 15, 22

Pursuant to West Virginia Code §5G, Procurement of Architect-Engineer Services, West View, LLC is seeking expressions of interest from Engineering Firms for testing services for the construction of a new commercial development located adjacent to the new I-79 Interchange 154 in Westover, WV.

Professional testing services will generally include the following items:

(1) Routine testing and verification of materials and earthwork operations in accordance with the Designer’s Specifications & Recommendations.

(2) Daily monitoring and verification of contractor quantities and production.

(3) Daily coordination of earthwork contractor’s activities to ensure timely and adequate testing.

Interested firms are invited to submit their Statement of Qualifications, including performance data and any other pertinent information desired, to West View, LLC, PO Box 4034, Morgantown, WV 26504-4034, on or before July 24, 2014 at 4:00 PM

Statements of Qualifications must detail each firm’s technical expertise, demonstrate experience with similar projects, and at a minimum, include at least three (3) references for projects completed within the past two (2) years. Descriptions of relevant projects completed within the last ten (10) years must also be included, along with resumes of key project personal. Seven (7) copies are to be provided.

A selection team will evaluate the Statements of Qualifications and will conduct interviews with at least three (3) of the professional firms submitting these qualifications and deemed to be the most highly qualified to provide the services required. Following interviews, firms will be ranked in order of preference with the highest ranked firm entering into contract negotiations with West View, LLC.

West View, LLC reserves the right to reject any and all statements from interested firms and to make the award in any manner deemed by it, in its sole discretion, to be in the best interest of West View, LLC and in accordance with West Virginia Code §5G-1.
