010068553 July 15, 17
AC Add on Morgantown High Fieldhouse
Monongalia County Schools Maintenance Department is accepting bids to add AC to the field house at Morgantown High School. There will be mandatory pre-bid meeting on Tuesday, July 21St 2015 at 9:30 am at Morgantown High School Fieldhouse for all interested parties. In order to bid you must be present to receive a packet along with scope of work to be completed. THIS IS NOT A PRE VAILING WAGE JOB. Monongalia County Board of Education reserves the rights to reject or deny any or all bids. For any information you may call between the hours of 8:00am till 3:00pm Monday thru Friday ONLY. Contact person is HVAC Technician Jerry Buckland at 304-276-0679 or Kermit Hess Maintenance Supervisor at 304-276-0670.