MHC Physicians, Inc., a WV Professional Corporation owned by Marietta Memorial Hospital presents the following financial statements in accordance with the Health Care Financial Disclosure Law of West Virginia. All other statements and schedules required to be filed are available for public inspection and copying at the Office of the Director, The Health Care Authority, 100 Dee Drive, Charleston, WV 25311, during regular hours, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM on any business day.
Summary of Revenues and Expenses Year Ended September 30th, 2014
MHC Physicians Inc.
Balance Sheet
Current Assets:
Patient Accounts Receivable 454,234
Total Current assets 454,234
Total Assets 454,234
Liabilities and Net Assets
Current Liabilities
Due to Marietta Memorial Hospital 2,628,509
Total Current Liabilities 2,628,509
Net Assets
Unrestricted (2,174,275)
Total Liabilities and Net Assets 454,234
MHC Physicians Inc.
Statement of Cash Flows
Year Ended September 30, 2014
Operating Activities
Change in Net Assets (277,257)
Changes in Operating Assets and Liabilities
Patients Accounts Receivable (70,036)
Due to related party 347,293
Net cash from operating activities (0)
Cash beginning of year 0
Cash end of year (0)
MHC Physicians Inc.
Statement of Revenue and Expenses
Year Ended September 30, 2014
Net Revenue 736,003
Operating expenses:
Salaries 812,496
Benefits 162,499
Supplies 16,411
Purchased Services 1,986
Medical Professional —
Bad debts 12,469
Rent 1,385
Utilities —
Depreciation —
Other 6,014
Total Operating Expense 1,013,260
Excess of Revenue Over Expense (277,257)
Jan 20