

NOTICE OF TRUSTEES’ FORECLOSURE SALE ON VALUABLE RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE Property Address: 1331 MERCER STREET, PRINCETON, WEST VIRGINIA 24740 Upon notification by the holder of a Note secured by the Deed of Trust described below of a default and having been requested to institute these proceedings, and by virtue of the authority vested in us under that certain Deed of Trust dated the 6th day of November, 2013, executed by RONNIE L. WALTON and KIMBERLY L. WALTON unto Thomas S. Lilly and Phillip B. Ball, as Trustees, which said Deed of Trust is of record in the Office of the Clerk of the County Commission of Mercer County, West Virginia, in Trust Deed Book 1268, at Page 101, which said Deed of Trust secured WALED MODAD, we will ON THE 16th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2015, AT 10:00 O’CLOCK A.M., at the front door of the Mercer County Court House (being the North Walker Street side) at Princeton, Mercer County, West Virginia, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, the following residential property, to-wit: “All that certain lot or parcel of real estate on the east side of Mercer Street in the City of Princeton, Mercer County, West Virginia, more particularly bounded and described as follows:” “BEGINNING at a notch cut in the back edge of a concrete sidewalk in the eastern line of Mercer Street and located N. 37? 25′ E. 256.6 feet distant from the point of intersection of the northern line of Main Street with the eastern line of Mercer Street, (Main Street being a width of 54.0 feet at this intersection), said point being the southwest corner of a two story brick building; thence along and with the eastern line of Mercer Street, N. 37? 25′ E. 28.6 feet to a notch cut in the back edge of a concrete sidewalk and being in the center of a walkway; thence along and with the center of said walkway passing the center of a well at a distance of 36.72 feet and continuing S. 56? 00′ E. a total distance of 42.32 feet to a stake in the western line of a parcel of land owned by Acme Market (formerly known as C. W. Mills homestead); thence along and with the western line of said Acme Market property, S. 19? 43′ W. 31.57 feet to a stake; thence N. 53? 45′ W. 51.85 feet to the point of BEGINNING.” And being the same property conveyed unto Ronnie L. Walton and Kimberly L. Walton, by deed of Waled Modad, dated November 6, 2013, recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County Commission of Mercer County, West Virginia, in Deed Book 999, at Page 487. The terms of the sale shall be cash in hand on the day of sale (or such other arrangement as may be satisfactory to Trustee and holder of the Note) and said property is being sold in “as is” condition. Said sale is subject to all taxes now due or to become due on said property, all liens, including but not limited to sewer liens and restrictions, easements or other matters of record in said Clerk’s Office affecting the title to said property. The purchaser is to pay the excise tax on the privilege of transferring said real estate. In the event there are federal tax liens against the property, the United States would have the right to redeem the property within a period of 120 days from the date of such sale, or the period allowable for redemption under local law, whichever is longer. Notice is also given that any personal property and/or belongings remaining at the property after the foreclosure sale will be deemed to constitute ABANDONED PROPERTY AND WILL BE DISPOSED OF ACCORDINGLY. Dated this the 12th day of January, 2015. THOMAS S. LILLY, TRUSTEE PHILLIP B. BALL, TRUSTEE
