010055468 January 31; February 14
Solicitation for Bids
The Region VI Workforce Investment Board, Inc. is accepting bids for the performance of an annual Single Audit utilizing OMB Circular A-133 provisions as the guideline, as applicable. To obtain complete bid specifications and bid submission information, contact Amy Hall @ 304-368-9530. Bids will be accepted in the office of the Region VI Workforce Investment Board by mail, courier, or in person on or before 4:00 pm of February 27, 2015. Faxed or emailed bids will not be accepted. Bids received after the 4 pm deadline on February 27, 2015, will not be accepted, regardless if postmarked by the due date or not. The Region VI Workforce Investment Board reserves the right to reject any and or all bids. Equal Employment Opportunity Employer/Program. Auxiliary Aids and Services are available upon request for individuals with disabilities.TDD 304-558-1549