NOTICE BY PUBLICATION OF AN APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR Operations Name: CBM K2 W/PL Application Number: 21841 Take Notice that, pursuant to Code of Virginia, Section 45.1-361.30.E. the undersigned operator proposes to file, or has filed, an application for gas and oil operations known as CBM K2 W/PL with the Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy, Division of Gas and Oil under Code of Virginia, Section 45.1-361.29, with respect to an operation on the James S Thompson etal tract of 57.99 acres, more or less, Island Creek Coal Company tract of 57.99 acres, more or less, tract(s) in the South Grundy District, BUCHANAN City/County, Virginia The application is on file with the Division of Gas and Oil identifying the proposed location and all work to be performed at the described site. Any inquiries should be directed to the Division of Gas and Oil at 276 415-9700. Code of Virginia Section 45.1-361.30 identifies persons with rights to file objections to the gas and oil operation. Persons objecting to a permit must state their reasons for objecting within 15 days of the date of receipt of notice. Written objections must be filed with the Director, Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy, Division of Gas and Oil, P. O. Drawer 159, Lebanon, Virginia 24266. Operator: CNX Gas Company LLC Address: 2481 John Jash Blvd Bluefield, WV 24701 Telephone Number: (304) 323-6500