

NOTICE Ordinance Number 10-486-1 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF RAINELLE, WEST VIRGINIA TO ESTABLISH A NEW ORDINANCE REPLACING ORDINANCE 10-486 ON FEES FOR FUNDING MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF POLICE EQUIPMENT, TRAINING OF POLICE OFFICERS AND POLICE UNIFORM EXPENSES ADDED TO EACH CRIMINAL CITATION COURT COST. WHEREAS, in order to better maintain, replace and upgrade equipment, uniforms, ammo, firearms, police vehicles, office supplies/equipment, miscellaneous items and provide training required for the Town of Rainelle Police Officers to perform their sworn duties; and WHEREAS, the Rainelle Town Council passed Ordinance 10-486 on May 14, 2012 finding and allowing said funds to be set; and WHEREAS, The Rainelle Town Council has determined and finds that the passing of this Ordinance Will provide the Town of Rainelle Police Officers with the necessary equipment and training to perform their duties and that it is important for the needs of the Town of Rainelle; and WHEREAS, the Rainelle Town Council has determined and finds, that the replacing and updating of Ordinance 10-486 is a necessary need for the operation, budget and for the best interest of the Town of Rainelle. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF RAINELLE, WEST VIRGINIA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. ORDINANCE (a) Beginning on the effective date of this section, a fifteen dollar ($15.00) fee per citation shall be charged by the Municipal Court Judge in all criminal court proceedings involving the violation of any criminal law of the Municipality, excluding violation of Municipal parking ordinances. (b) All fees collected pursuant to subsection (a) hereof shall be collected by the Municipal Court and remitted once monthly to the Rainelle Town Clerk / Accounting Manager for deposit into an escrow account at Summit Community Bank, for the Rainelle Police Department. Said account being established at time prior to passing of Ordinance 10-486 and is still in effect. (c) Said account will be managed and maintained by the Police Chief of the Rainelle Police Department with authorized agent or appointee to do said purchases on said account and a monthly statement will be provided to Police Chief by Rainelle Town Clerk as to the deposits and activity of account. (d) For all purchases from said account, payments will be submitted by the Rainelle Town Clerk in the form of a computer generated check and said check shall have two signatures, one being the Police Chief with the Town of Rainelle Mayor in absence of the Police Chief. The other being the Rainelle Town Clerk and the Rainelle Town Recorder in the absence of the Town Clerk. (e) The Rainelle Town Council will be provided a statement monthly from the Rainelle Town Clerk, that will be included in the monthly budget report for said council to review. SECTION 2. EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon passage and upon passage of this Ordinance, Ordinance 10-486 will become void. The Rainelle Town Council shall take such action as it deems proper. ORDINANCE 10-486-1 BROUGHT BEFORE RAINELLE TOWN COUNCIL THIS 23RD DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2015. Date of First Reading February 23, 2015 VOTE: 5-0 Date of Second Reading: March 9, 2015 2-26-THU-1-RH; L 2628
