

LEGAL NOTICE FORMAL HEARING City of Bluefield WEST VIRGINIA BUILDINGS COMMISSION VS Property Owners as Described Below: Heirs, Owners, Lienholders TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The property described as: McCulloch Alley, Map 17, Section 3, Lot 8-9, Parcel 228, Bluefield, West Virginia 24701; Elijah Jones, P.O. Box 173, Elbert, West Virginia 24830. YOU ARE FUTHER ADVISED THAT AT 2:30 p.m. on the 24th day of March , 2015 or as soon thereafter as the same may be heard in the Directors Room, Municipal Complex, 200 Rogers Street in Bluefield, West Virginia the Buildings Commission of said City, will hear evidence of whether said buildings are dangerous, unsafe, unsanitary, detrimental to the public welfare and a nuisance in order to determine whether the building should be razed, closed, demolished, or repaired, all at your cost and expense; at which time and place you may appear in person or by counsel, examine witnesses, offer evidence or other wise protect your interest. This 12th day of March, 2015 BUILDINGS COMMISSION, CITY OF BLUEFIELD, WEST VIRGINIA, BY: Thomas J.Cole, Chairman. Noncompliance with this order may result in demolition of the structure by the City at owner’s expense. BUILDING COMMISSION City of Bluefield West Virginia Bobbi Kersey City Clerk
