

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF FAYETTE COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA CIVIL ACTION NO. 14-P-79 JOHN W. HATCHER JR. JUDGE CARL L. HARRIS, PROSECUTING ATTORNEY OF FAYETTE COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA, PETITIONER VS: THIRTY TWO THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED ELEVEN DOLLARS UNITED STATES CURRENCY, RESPONDENT PROPERTY. NOTICE OF EVIDENTIARY HEARING TO: Any claimant of a right or interest in the above-mentioned Respondent property. You are hereby notified that on the 20th day of May, 2015 at 9:00 a.m., before the Honorable John W. Hatcher, Jr., Judge of the Circuit Court of Fayette County, West Virginia, at the Fayette County Courthouse, in Fayetteville, West Virginia, the above-styled matter will come on for an evidentiary hearing. The purpose of the aforesaid evidentiary hearing is to determine ownership of the Respondent property. Please be advised: 1. The property seized and subject of this suit is described as follows: THIRTY TWO THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED ELEVEN DOLLARS IN VARIOUS DENOMINATIONS OF UNITED STATES CURRENCY. 2. The law enforcement agency responsible for the seizure of the Respondent property is the Mount Hope Police Department. 3. The seizure took place on or about the 23rd day of March, 2015, at or near Mount Hope, Fayette County, West Virginia. 4. The subject property was in the possession of Shannon Carte and Annie Hawkins at the time of said seizure. Any person believing they have an interest in the aforementioned Respondent property may appear at the aforesaid time and place and put on evidence as to ownership of the Respondent property. A copy of said Petition an be obtained from the undersigned Clerk at his office. ENTERED by the Clerk of said court on the 28th day of April, 2015. DANIEL E. WRIGHT, CLERK Circuit Court of Fayette County, West Virginia 5-11-MON-2-RH L 2903
