Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held on Monday, July 27, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Room at Charles Town City Hall, 101 E. Washington Street, Charles Town, WV by the City of Charles Town Planning Commission on the following matter:
Site Plan Approval, Major SLD 2014-03 Dollar General
The applicant, Cross Development, LLC has submitted a site plan for the construction of a new Dollar General, which would replace the existing structures. The properties are located at 14784 and 14816 Charles Town Road also known as Route 115. The properties are identified by District 3, Tax Map 12, Parcel 12.00 and District 3, Tax Map 12, Parcel 17.00, and is zoned General Commercial. Applicant is requesting site plan approval from the Planning Commission.
Written comments can be mailed to City Staff at P.O. Box 14, or dropped off at City Hall at 105 South George Street, Charles Town, WV. Call 304-724-3248 for questions. Public comments are welcome at the scheduled public hearing.