
Notice Of Request – The Snowshoe Resort Community District For Snowplowing Services Proposal – Deadline 1/31/25


Version 1.0 Approved

November 8, 2024

The Snowshoe Resort Community District (SRCD), located in Pocahontas County, West Virginia, is in the process of obtaining Snowplowing services for the period of October 15th, 2025 through April 15th, 2026. Services will be needed to provide: snowplowing, snow removal, distribution of sand, cinders and snow melt chemicals within the Scope of Work (SOW is available upon request to: [email protected]), on the following public roads and streets within the SRCD’s District: (1) Snowshoe Drive; (2) North West Ridge Road; (3) South West Ridge Road; (4) Top of the World Loop; (5) Silver Creek Parkway; (6) Powder Ridge Road; (7) Rescue Road; (8) Hawthorne Road; and (9) Helipad. Procurement of said services shall be in accordance with all applicable West Virginia statutes and the District Bylaws. All firms interested in being considered for this project must submit a written proposal detailing qualifications, technical expertise, related prior experience, vehicle quantity & types to be used and price.

The goal of the competitive process is to objectively select the contractor who will provide the highest quality of service at a realistic price. Accordingly, qualifications and experience will be weighed heavily. The initial contract period will be as stated above, with an option to extend the contract for two (2) additional winter periods.

Please submit the requested information to: SRCD, PO Box 377, Snowshoe WV 26209, no later than 4:00 p.m. (Eastern) on January 31st, 2025. It is the responsibility of the respondent to ensure the receipt of the proposal by the date and time specified.

Should there be any questions, please contact Lisa Cutlip at 304-572-5869 or [email protected].

The selected firm will be required to comply with all Federal and State regulations including, but not limited to, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Conflict of Interest Statement of Access to Records provision and the District Bylaws.

The Snowshoe Resort Community District will afford full opportunity for disadvantaged business enterprises to submit a show of interest in response to this Request for Proposal and will not discriminate against any interested firm or individual on the grounds of race, creed, color, gender, age, sexual orientation, handicap or national origin in the contract award.

This contract will be awarded to the responsible offeror whose proposal is within the competitive range and determined to be the most advantageous to the District, price and other factors considered. The District reserves the right to reject any and all offers and re-advertise for these services.




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