



NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE and Notice of the Beneficiary/Servicer’s election to sell property is hereby given pursuant to and by virtue of the authority vested in the Trustee by that certain Deed of Trust dated December 11, 1996, executed by Andrew M. Gumm and Reva J. Gumm to Bobby Lewis, Trustee, of record in the Office of the Clerk of the County Commission of Wood County, West Virginia, in Book 708, at Page 245. Hereford & Riccardi, PLLC was appointed as Trustee by SUBSTITUTION OF TRUSTEE dated May 14, 2015, of record in the Clerk’s Office in Book 1870, at Page 758. The borrowers defaulted under the Note and Deed of Trust and the Trustee has been instructed to foreclose under the Deed of Trust. Accordingly, the Trustee will sell the following described property to the highest bidder at the front door of the Courthouse of Wood County, in Parkersburg, West Virginia, on:


TUESDAY, JULY 21, 2015, AT 12:45 O’CLOCK P.M.


All of that certain lot or parcel of real estate, together with the improvements thereon and the appurtenances thereunto belonging, situate in Harris District, Wood County, West Virginia, and being more particularly bounded and described as follows:


BEGINNING at a point in the center of West Virginia Secondary Road 25, (also known as the Belleville and/or Pond Creek Road) approximately 1.1 miles easterly from the intersection of West Virginia Secondary Road 25 and West Virginia State Route 68; thence N. 34 degrees E. with the line of Tract K-2, as shown on Harris District Map of Wood County at page 520, 217.33 feet to an iron pipe, and passing an iron pipe in an old fence corner at 42.0 feet; thence N. 87 degrees 40á E. 277.66 feet to an iron pipe; thence S. 23 degrees 26á W. 255.94 feet to a point in the center of Pond Creek Road, and passing an iron pipe set back 21.06 feet from said center point; thence with the center of the road N. 75 degrees 12á W. 153.30 feet to a point in the center of said road; thence with the center of said road N. 88 degrees 23á W. 149.04 feet to the place of beginning, containing 1.35 acres, more or less.


This is the same property conveyed to Andrew M. Gumm and Reva J. Gumm by deed dated December 11, 1996, of record in the Clerk’s Office in Book 963, at Page 24.


This conveyance is made subject to the reservation of oil, gas and minerals mentioned in Deed Book 563, at page 397, and to any and all covenants, restrictions, reservations, agreements, exceptions, rights of way and easements of record.




1) The property will be conveyed in an âAS ISã physical condition by Deed containing no warranty, express or implied, subject to the Internal Revenue Service right of redemption, all property taxes, prior Deeds, liens, reservations, encumbrances, restrictions, rights-of- ways, easements, covenants, conveyances and conditions of record in the Clerkás office or affecting the subject property.

2) The Purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the transfer taxes imposed by the West Virginia Code ç 11-22-2.

3) Real estate taxes due and payable have been paid. All real estate taxes hereafter will be the responsibility of the purchaser.

4) The Beneficiary and/or the Servicer of the Deed of Trust and Note reserve the right to submit a bid for the property at sale.

5) The Trustee reserves the right to continue sale of the subject property from time to time by written or oral proclamation, which continuance shall be in the sole discretion of the Trustee.

6) The Trustee shall be under no duty to cause any existing tenant or person occupying the property to vacate the property, and any personal property and/or belongings remaining at the property after the foreclosure sale will be deemed to constitute ABANDONED PROPERTY AND WILL BE DISPOSED OF ACCORDINGLY.

7) The total purchase price is payable to the Trustee by cashier’s check, cash or the equivalent within thirty (30) days of the date of sale, with ten percent (10{4ceb532c6f579389df471c6c1e832caf2346b74dc60fcbf6aabd4d29df3baf9c}) of the total purchase price payable to the Trustee at sale by cashier’s check, cash or the equivalent. There will be no refund granted of any amount if the third party purchaser elects not to purchase the property for any reason. Minimum acceptable bid will be $18,500.00.

8) For more information on this property, please see listing on the PROPERTIES FOR SALE WEBSITE: http://www. resales.usda.gov/.


Given under my hand this 30th day of June 2015.



By: Philip B. Hereford, Member

405 Capitol Street, Suite 306

Charleston, West Virginia 25301

Phone: (304) 346-1800



Jul 13, 20


