

Notice is hereby given that default having occurred in the payment of that certain indebtedness secured by a deed of trust dated August 27, 2009, between Audrey C. Saville, Trustee of the Audrey C. Saville Trust, and Whitacre Farms, LLC, and Royce B. Saville, Trustee, recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County Commission of Hampshire County, West Virginia, in Deed of Trust Book No. 504, at page 339; which deed of trust authorizes the beneficial owner to remove and appoint a Successor Trustee to act in person, or by agent, at its option, and the beneficial owner exercised such option and appointed Nelson M. Michael as its Successor Trustee to act in the enforcement of said deed of trust in person, or by agent, and the undersigned Successor Trustee having been requested in writing by the beneficial owner of said indebtedness to enforce said deed of trust, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder the following hereinafter described real estate on

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4th, 2015, AT 11:00 O’CLOCK, A.M

All that tract or parcel of real estate lying along the east side of the Jersey
Mountain Road in Springfield District, Hampshire County, West Virginia,
and bounded as follows:

Beginning at a planted stone at the east side of the Jersey Mountain Road,
corner to Frank Lambert, thence with Lambert’s line S. 45 30 E 18 poles to
a planted stone, corner to Lambert, thence N. 43 30 E 27.36 poles to a
planted stone in a wire fence, thence with the fence N. 24 30 W 18 poles to
a stone at the east side of the Jersey Mountain Road, thence along and
with the east side of the road S 44 30 W 27.5 poles to the beginning.

Being the same real estate designated as the second parcel in Springfield
District as conveyed unto Audrey C. Saville, Trustee of the Audrey C.
Saville Trust, by deed of E. Blair Saville, a/k/a Earl Blair Saville, and Audrey
C. Saville, his wife, dated the 15th day of January, 1992 and of record in the
Office of the Clerk of the County Commission of Hampshire County, West Virginia in Deed Book 332 at page 273, and further being the same real
estate conveyed unto Earl Blair Saville and Audrey C. Saville, his wife by
deed of Ray Saville and Lillian Saville, his wife, dated the 9th day of June
1959 and of record in the Office of the Clerk of the County Commission
of Hampshire County, West Virginia in Deed Book 143, Page 412.

Less a Right of Way shown on the preliminary plat prepared by K. F.
Snyder & Associates, dated the 19th day of September, 2000. Said
Right of Way being Thirty (30) feet in width to serve a platted Subdivision
“unrecorded”, of which is lodged in the possession of the Hampshire
County Planning Commission Office as well as in the Loan file of The
Bank of Romney concerning Shenandoah Valley Construction.

The sale of said property shall be made subject to all easements, covenants, and restrictions of record among the Land Records of Mineral County, West Virginia.

This real estate is improved by a one story ranch style house containing 1,188 square feet, consisting of five rooms, including three bedrooms and one bath, carport, full basement with laundry area, hardwood floors, metal roof, and stone fireplace.

The above described real estate will be conveyed by the undersigned Successor Trustee by deed without warranty of any kind, express or implied, and subject to all prior liens, and further subject to all unpaid real estate taxes or assessments, encumbrances and claims in favor of public service district/municipal sanitary boards, if any, and also further subject to any covenants, restrictions, conditions, reservations, rights of way and easements of record in the aforesaid Clerk’s office and affecting the subject real estate and without responsibility for or representations as to any items of personal property located thereon; and, any party claiming an interest in any item of personal property is responsible for the removal thereof prior to the day of sale.

The property will be sold in its present condition “AS IS”. The undersigned Successor Trustee makes no warranties as to the condition of the premises. Said Successor Trustee shall be under no duty to cause any tenant or other persons occupying the premises to vacate same.

All net proceeds of sale shall be first applied to the satisfaction of the aforesaid first lien deed of trust.


1.    10{4ceb532c6f579389df471c6c1e832caf2346b74dc60fcbf6aabd4d29df3baf9c} deposit on day of sale, balance within 30 days;
2.    Subject to any prior deeds of trust or security agreements of record;
3.    Subject to any special assessments or any liens for taxes;
4.    The above‑described real estate will be sold by the undersigned Substitute Trustee by auction to the highest bidder subject to the right of the undersigned Substitute Trustee to reject all bids if, in his opinion, said bids are inadequate; and,
5.     The owner of the indebtedness secured by the above‑described deed of trust shall have the right to bid.


The undersigned Successor Trustee reserves the right to continue the sale or to adjourn the sale for a time or from time to time without further notice other than oral public announcement at the time and the place of sale as hereinabove set forth or at any continuance or adjournment thereof.

Any persons desiring additional information may contact the undersigned Successor Trustee.

Dated this 6th day of November, 2015.


