NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by the deed of trust hereinafter described, and the undersigned having been required so to do by the owner and holder of said indebtedness, the undersigned Substitute Trustee {see General Lien Book No. 1871, at page 675 thereof} will offer for sale at the front door of the Wood County Courthouse, Parkersburg, West Virginia, on
Thursday, July 2, 2015,
at 10:00 o’clock in the forenoon, local time,
at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, all of the right, title and interest of ROBERT A. NORMAN and ELAINE NORMAN (also known as Gail Elaine Norman), husband and wife, in and to certain real property described in a certain deed of trust dated June 7, 2001, to RANDALL E. SNIDER and WILLIAM G. POWELL, original Trustees, recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County Commission of Wood County, West Virginia, in General Lien Book No. 950, at page 599 thereof, possessed by the said ROBERT A. NORMAN and ELAINE NORMAN as at the making of said deed of trust, which said real estate is described in said deed of trust follows, to-wit:
Situate in the District of Lubeck, County of Wood, and State of West Virginia, more particularly bounded and described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point in the southern line of the Washington Bottom Road, corner to Reeder’s line and running thence with said Reeder’s line S. 4õ 40’ W. 1154.68 feet to the line of what was formerly the Cook property, now the Mitchell property; thence with said Cook-Mitchell line, N. 85õ 35’ W. 184.75 feet to a stake, corner to Poole’s property; thence with Poole’s line N. 4õ 40’ E. 1159.52 feet to a stake in the southern line of the Washington Bottom Road; thence with said Road S. 84õ 25’ E. 117.8 feet, more or less, to a stake in the Reeder line, the place of beginning, containing five (5) acres, more or less.
BEING the same real estate conveyed unto Robert A. Norman and Gail Elaine Norman by deed bearing even date to be recorded simultaneously herewith.
This conveyance is made subject to all rights-of-way, reservations, restrictions, protective covenants, utility easements, and oil and gas leases of record in the chain of title in the aforesaid Clerk’s Office,
AND believed to have a street address of 1123 Lake Washington Road, Washington, West Virginia,
upon the following terms to-wit:
- $5,000.00 in cash or certified funds per tract of land at sale, with balance due within 10 days or as the Trustee and bidder(s) may otherwise agree at sale.
- Subject to any and all reservations, exceptions, conditions, grants of rights of way and easements made by the grantors and their predecessors in title prior to the granting of the deed of trust being foreclosed upon.
- The undersigned reserves the right to adjourn the sale from day to day and time to time upon oral proclamation made at the time and place of sale set forth herein or at such later time and place to which the sale has theretofore been adjourned.
- The undersigned reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
- Sale is subject to unpaid ad valorem taxes and special assessments, if any, as well as any sale of the subject real estate for unpaid taxes.
- The premises described hereinabove, including any and all improvements thereto, are sold âAS IS-WHERE ISã with no warranty express or implied.
- The owner and holder of the indebtedness secured by the deed of trust described hereinabove reserves the right to bid at this sale.
- The successful buyer at the sale will be responsible for paying any and all transfer stamps, excise fees and recording costs with respect to the trustee’s deed.
- Neither the owner and holder of the indebtedness secured by the underlying deed of trust nor the substitute trustee shall have any duty to cause any existing tenant or person or persons occupying the subject property to vacate said property.
- Sale is subject to the right of the Internal Revenue Service to redeem the subject real estate within 120 days following the sale. See 26 U.S.C. Œ7425.
- Any personal belongings remaining in the subject premises after sale shall be deemed abandoned and may thereafter be disposed of at the successful bidder’s or bidders’ discretion. Any person or entity claiming ownership of or any interest in any such property should contact the undersigned prior to sale about any such claim.
- The successful bidder at the sale and the Trustee shall execute a Memorandum of Sale at the conclusion of the sale, and the terms of the Memorandum shall control.
- In the event that the successful bidder at the sale fails or refuses to consummate his, her, its or their purchase, then the Trustee shall have the option to consummate sale with the next highest bidder at the sale.
Dated at Parkersburg, West Virginia, this, the 28th day of May, 2015.
ANDREW C. WOOFTER, III, PLLC, Substitute Trustee,
By: Andrew C. Woofter, III,
its Manager,
Address: 429 Market Street, Suite 201, Post Office Box 265,
Parkersburg, West Virginia 26102,
Telephone: {304} 834-1145,
Facsimile: {304} 834-1147.
Jun 18, 25