


Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held on Monday, January 23, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Room at Charles Town City Hall, 101 E. Washington Street, Charles Town, WV by the City of Charles Town Planning Commission on the following matter:

The applicant, Walter Mills, has submitted the following waivers requests in regards to a Major Subdivision and Land Development Plan for the development of 35 townhomes and 96 apartment units.  The property is approximately 9 acres.  The property is located at 43 Belvedere Farm Lane. The property is identified by District 3, Tax Map 13, Parcel 2.00.

Waiver Request 2017-001 for Jefferson Heights North

A waiver from Section 1333.08 (B), Access Drive Standards, from the minimum horizontal curve radius of 75 feet to 37 feet.

Waiver Request 2017-002 for Jefferson Heights North

A waiver from Section 1333.08 (C), Access Drive Standards, from the minimum of 150 feet separation of entrances into the apartments to a separation of 74 feet.

Waiver Request 2017-003 for Jefferson Heights North

A waiver from Section 1333.08 (C), Access Drive Standards, from the minimum access drives travel lanes width of 24 feet to 22 feet.

Waiver Request 2017-004 for Jefferson Heights North

A waiver from Section 1333.09, Sidewalk & On-Street Parking Design Standards, which requires sidewalks along both side of streets.  Applicant is requesting to not install sidewalks along the west side of Alleghany Street and the east side of Belvedere Drive.

Written comments can be mailed to City Staff at P.O. Box 14, or dropped off at City Hall at 105 South George Street, Charles Town, WV.  Call 304-724-3248 for questions.   Public comments are welcome at the scheduled public hearing.
